Niya-Yur 2021 Campaign Session 2: Arrival Report Report in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Niya-Yur 2021 Campaign Session 2: Arrival Report

General Summary

Session Date:

January 15, 2021


  • GM - Leeland
  • Hubert Barrelbottom Brandywine (Hermit Forest Gnome Wizard)
  • Harbek Dankil (Noble Knight Mountain Dwarf Paladin)
  • Bazzariale Grey Ravel (Merchant Wood Elf Druid)
  • Aaroe Riverbend (Pirate Karakian Human Bard)



The Arrival

On arriving at Sendel Village the party discovered it consisted of a well-fortified stone-walled village with the legendary Sendel Keep on a hill at the center. As part of the village's construction, the 40 foot stone plateau which once held only the keep had been expanded and sloped to allow for the village to be constructed. Now the keep's outer walls have just a steep grassy slope rising about fifteen feet in about eight to ten feet to the wall base.   The keep itself is smaller than they expected from all the tall tales of the legendary fight to hold the border that took place there. Still, the keep was impressive enough.   The party ignored the shantytown dwellings and river inns just outside the village walls as they made their way through the busy market square to the Sendel Keep. Along the way, they encountered no hostility or resistance. To their chagrin, there was also no glad welcome given to the new heroes freshly arrived answering the call for help.   Instead, they were directed by bored guards to meet with the unimpressed and completely indifferent mountain bear-sized human guard captain, Rita Copeland. In spite of Harbek trying his best to make a solid first impression introducing the party as "Harbek's Hammers". Rita thanked the party, told them there was a bounty board at the main gate guardhouse, and then dismissed them to attend to his other business.   Giving up on impressing the local authorities the party decided it might be best to investigate the town. The guards all said that merchant caravan masters might be interested in some guards-for-hire protection. The problem is that there appeared to be no caravans currently present in the border village.   With that, the party set out to explore. They soon located The Broken Harp Inn, a place that clearly had once been an impressive and expensive establishment just outside the gates to the central keep. However, the inn was now showing signs of age. Nothing is broken or dirty, just old and outdated. Tam Bustler is the current owner. Tam is in her late 40s, a bit plump, but still, a stout woman that clearly should not be crossed. The Broken Harp Inn has a full stable house next door that Hubert rented a stall for his goats and a place to park his gypsy wagon. that had seen much happier days.   After negotiation for some rooms and meals, the party found a dice game going in a back room. Some locals were playing with soldier-looking folks. Harbek couldn't resist and joined the game soon learning a few of the players knew exactly what they were doing. Regardless Aaroe and Harbek both won (Harbek won more as he also knew what he was doing.)

Missions/Quests Completed

The party found the town and a place to stay. So far not much in the way of bandits, unless you count the four kobolds they killed in the woods in the previous session.

Character(s) interacted with

Rita Copeland - mountain bear sized human guard captain in his 30s, totally unimpressed, but now going to be watching for trouble. Sigh, more heroes in town.   Tam Bustler - owner of the The Broken Harp Inn, middle-aged plump human woman who is not to be crossed. She seems happy with the group, after all a new group of heroes might actually live a bit and pay for their rooms. Hopefully, they won't get all cheap and move outside the wall.   Rosalie Richard - Savvy human Aelargo patrol captain from Llino who commands an 8 person patrol on the Sendel Trade Road. Yeash, Sir Sendel's call for help is really going to be a challenge. Well, I'll be sure we are there to keep the law and clean up the messes.

Created Content

Rita Copeland   Tam Bustler   Rosalie Richard
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Report Date
19 Jan 2021
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Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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