Blight Juice Technology / Science in Misremembered Realms | World Anvil

Blight Juice

Blight juice, so named because of where it comes from, is also known as “Sleep in a Bottle.” It is a potion made from the flesh of the Shengi fruit. When imbibed, it temporarily invigorates the drinker, giving them the feeling of a full nights rest and heightened alertness.


It can be used to make an exhausted person feel as if they’ve had a full night’s sleep and is even more alert than normal. After its effects wear off, however, the previous exhaustion returns with a vengeance and the user finds themselves in great need of sleep. In addition, if they are a magic user of any sort, they find themselves unable to cast any but the simplest of spells, and only with great effort
Practical applications are still being considered. The only known use so far, outside of strict testing, is being used to invigorate a sleepy scholar who was studying it and the shengi fruit so they could get more time studying. The scolding they got the next day from their friend combined headache they awoke with, convinced they not was still not ready for use.


The current process to make the potion is quite simple.
  1. First the pit removed completely from the shengi fruit and then the fruit is laid out to dry for several days.
  2. Once completely dry the fruit is ground up into a fine powder.
  3. It is then put into water and brought to a boil and watched closely
  4. As soon as it starts to boil a fine foam with rapidly expanding and the potion is quickly removed from the heat before it can spill and ruin the potion.
  5. It is then allowed to cool and then strained through a cloth until as much of the solids are removed as possible and is considered finished.
Access & Availability
The potion is nearly unknown except among scholars who study Kharab. Its main ingredient is only found there, and only a few are brave, foolhardy, or greedy enough to search the blighted lands to retrieve it.
It is a simple potion that is not much more complex than making a tea.
It was first discovered by a mage who was experimenting with Shengi fruit and trying to learn its properties. After making this version of the potion, he gave some to a rat who almost immediately became more alert and energized. After it wore off, the poor beast slept for a day and a half. Its effects are still being studied.


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