Demon Lord Rank/Title in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Demon Lord

Even before the First Breaking, Realmspace was being stretched and became more and more coloured by the forces it was expanding from and into. And with the negative forces of nothingness merging with the raging lack of structure, it created an endless void, known as the Abyss. it is said that a few forgotten souls, created in the first stages of reality, fell into the void as it formed. These were the first Demon Lords.   New demons are constantly spewed from the destructive whirlpool that is their native plane. Just like demons are slo destroyed by the same. Becoming a Lord is the main goal for each and every demon as it would be the final stepping stone before being able to destroy the world and remake it in their own image. This also means that the demon lords divide their energy between fighting each other for supremacy, fighting their underlings to maintain their position, fighting the devils, and actually trying to achieve their own goals.  

The Princes of the Abyss

There have been minor Princes that have come and gone over the years, but the major ones remain more or less the same since the origin of demons. There is also an outside player as Llolth takes residence on a plane of the Abyss, but she isn't considered a Demon Lord as she has her own status as a deity.  
Known as the Horned King, Baphomet is a being of power and intrigue. His layer of the Abyss is a giant labyrinth where the strong prey on the weak.
Pure rage, Demogorgon wants to rip the world apart and will do so one creature at a time if needed. There is no being inside Realmspace representing destruction more than this demon Lord.
Consumed by catering to his own flesh, Graz'zt wants the world to become one quivering mass of indulgence.
A truly alien creature, Jubilex is the origin of oozes and is itself a dripping gelatinous mass that slowly tries to devour existence as it spreads.
Known as the Lord of Undeath, Orcus is the patron of necromancers everywhere and the greatest enemy of the Raven Queen.
The Beast follows only base, destructive, instincts. Flesh should be ripped and devoured, civilisation should be crushed.
The Queen of Fungi wants her spores to infect every living thing, becoming the parasite that everything else exists to feed.
Alternative Naming
Demon Prince
Lord of the Abyss
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