Jubilex Character in Lost Waves | World Anvil


When the Abyss, it is said that souls fell into it and formed the first Demon Lords. Jubilex was one of them, but it is speculated that it wasn't a soul at all but just a formless piece of the Astral Plane that became a being of sorts.   Wherever Jubilex goes, it leaves a slimy trail from which new oozes grow. This is how the entire type of creature first emerged and why most such creatures are driven only by a desire to consume and become larger. Eventually, everything will be floating within the slobbering mass that is Jubilex.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jubilex is a large slimy blob that slithers around. There are no distinct parts of it that differ from other parts and if some of it is injured, it can simply let that section fall off and become its own creature. It will grow limbs as needed and if it thinks it the most efficient way, it can gain all the knowledge of someone by absorbing them.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

To almost anyone else, the way Jubilex thinks is entirely alien. It is more intelligent than just something that eats whatever is in front of it, but its plans seem to be completely random until they suddenly merge into something dangerous. It relies on being present everywhere and has no sense of individuals. Any two beings should be able to meld together, and any one being should be able to divide. If they can't, it will make sure it happens anyway.   There is no good way for Jubilex to communicate in languages that others can understand. Even its telepathy is abstract. Instead, cultists can only attempt to interpret its actions. Not that there are many cultists dedicated to Jubilex to begin with since it dismisses most non-oozes as anything but food.


Contacts & Relations

Like all demons, Jubilex's worst enemies are other demons. It shares its same layer of the Abyss with Zuggtmoy, and the two are always trying to destroy each other. This might be one of the biggest reason neither has managed to spill over completely into other realms.   Also, like demons in general. Jubilex as no allies. It has minions who will do its bidding as long as it serves them and it has followers trying to gain power from it, but nothing else.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Faceless Lord
Lord of Oozes
Currently Held Titles


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