Lockbox Item in Judge of Mystics | World Anvil


The Lockbox
Caleb Mauthisen's Mementos
A magically shielded safe set into the back corner of Caleb's study, which nobody but the invited to open.
The Hallowes
Magically Protected
"Hey, Dad!"
Karisma Calebdottir

"Ah! Karisma, what're you..."

"What am I, what are you? What's in the case? Oooo super secret Realm stuff!? Lemme see!"
Karisma Calebdottir

"No! Hey why don't we go for ice cream, or go for a walk along the river an-"

"Oh... my... ducklings and giggledees. Are you... saving things... aaaawwwww Daaaaddy. SERA! Seraya! Dad's making a memory box! Eeee this is the best day!"
Karisma Calebdottir

"You don't think this is dumb? Your Dad holding on to..."

"Hold on! I gotta go get the cup and saucer! You know, from our first hot cocoa, in the Pub after you told me you weren't sent to throw me into Hell!? Finnegan let me keep it! It's gotta go in, too!"
Karisma Calebdottir

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