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Year 300 of the Aftermath

Isekai is a nobledim fantasy setting that includes elements of Lovecraftian horror, steampunk, and other genres.   In a world of tragedy and triumph, anyone with enough skill and determination can make a difference amongst the magic and technology that runs rampant across the continents.   The Eldritch War may have erased parts of their history, but the last three centuries have proven that it is possible to rise from the ashes and begin anew...
Isekai is a nobledim fantasy setting that includes elements of Lovecraftian horror, steampunk, and other genres.   In a world of tragedy and triumph, anyone with enough skill and determination can make a difference amongst the magic and technology that runs rampant across the continents.   The Eldritch War may have erased parts of their history, but the last three centuries have proven that it is possible to rise from the ashes and begin anew...

Enter a world of tragedy & triumph...

For millennia, the world of Isekai and its people thrived, races spread across every inch of land and sea, blessings from the gods that created them abundant, only minor tragedies blighting the great histories of the world. That would soon change when the gates to another realm opened, releasing the Eldritch Horrors upon the land.   For a century, the races of Isekai either banded together to fight the creatures that threatened them or took the bloody war as an opportunity to further their own gains. Eventually, the gates and creatures would be sealed, but not before the world was drowned in a tragedy that would be nearly possible to recover from.   Two centuries have passed since the Eldritch War ended, but not everything has returned to what the world was before. Things are still changing, things are still growing, but the people of Isekai refuse to be buried under the weight of that tragedy.

Write your own story of heroics...

The world of Isekai is currently the setting used in the in-development TTRPG system, known as Storybook, created by RiverFang and Shiftrex. This system allows players to take part in a story of their own design facilitated by a Storyteller.   Utilizing a variety of skills and spells, players can follow a story path of their choosing, growing and acquiring greater abilities as they progress. This system focuses on three areas, including exploration, combat, and social encounters. Every part of a player's character can be individualized and chosen based on in-game interaction and the player's choices.   The Storybook system is still a work in progress but a lite version of the system is currently playable using the one shot adventure, Exhibition at the Vollan Rue. This one shot gives a glimpse into most facets of the game and introduces all skill levels of players to this new system.

Learn More About Storybook

Rules of the Game
Check the box to see all the rules associated with the Storybook System.
Become the Storyteller
Check the box to see all information needed to run a game with the Storybook System.
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