Shoretee (Shaw-teee)

Shoretee or Tea, is an aromatic beverage prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over dried or fresh leaves of the Migmeaweed that, despite its name does grow everywhere on the east-coast of Inquest, but not along the Migmean Moors.

They are many sub-types of Migmeaweed that provide subtly different nuances of taste.

In Addition, using the same process but using fruits (dried or fresh), flowers, roots, or vegetables, are also called Tea but usually explicitly designated when offered.

There are 72 mayor tea-leaf nuances to offer our guests in our tea house.

But what if they want some fruit tea?

We politely, but firmly, ask them to leave our establishment.
— parent to child, overheard in the Streets of Brossal

It is one of the most popular warm served drinks on Inquest, only contested by Rootbrew made from a roasted tuber.

Controversial Condiments

Shoretee is usually consumed in a pure form without adding anything, but there is a wide array of condiments, such as sugar, honey, slices of fruit, and even milk of various animals, that delight local palates.

But just as your taste in a local sports team can influence how people react to your person, putting an unexpected condiment in your favorite hot served beverage, might anger bystanders.

This "silliness" has minted Shoretee as a drink for afternoon and general leisure, whereas Rootbrew is associated in contrast as a working person's potation.

In some regions it is treated as a taboo to serve Shoretee outside a certain time but the consumption is also treated as a social obligation.

Bergeland is well known for its Shoretee culture, despite being as far away from any sources of it as possible.

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

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Cover image: Island Inquest Header by Jan Kaltenecker


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Jul 8, 2021 12:55 by C. B. Ash

Aha, I see I have a new rule: "When reading Captain Jan's articles that have quotes ... do not be drinking at the time"!!   :D   I really think this is my favorite part:  

But just as your taste in a local sports team can influence how people react to your person, putting an unexpected condiment in your favorite hot served beverage, might anger bystanders.

Jul 8, 2021 13:09 by Jan Kaltenecker

Aw, you made my day! Thank you very much! :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Aug 5, 2021 10:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Bergeland is well known for its Shoretee culture, despite being as far away from any sources of it as possible.' *chokes in British*   This is a great article. I love all the little details, and I also love the use of the word 'potation'. :D

Aug 5, 2021 16:03 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you for your kind words! Glad that you liked it! :D It pays to keep a Thesaurus Rex, even though you need to keep them separated from all the other books.

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
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