Verte Ruber Species in Huggleland | World Anvil

Verte Ruber

Rose ruber are easy to find if you know where to look, but the verte ruber, that is a rare thing of beauty. I would give anything to see a real one in person
~Lamina: ruber enthusiast.
Verte Ruber are a specific line of ruber that are known for their green wings and head crest. It is said that all verte ruber descended from a single ruber that was a favorite companion to an ancient goddess. The brilliant green feathers were a gift to let the world know that the favored pet, was an honored and special bird.

From Baby to Adult

The life of the ruber starts with a pastel pink egg with green speckles. All baby rubers look the same, making it impossible to tell which ones are verte ruber. Infant ruber have pink legs and bills, white tipped feathers, and their body start with yellow feathers on their head that transitions into pink as they make their way to the tail. As they grow, their bills turn black, their body turns pink, and their wings turn either pink or green. Adolescent ruber continue to change as they reach maturity. Males grow a white patch of feathers above their eye and develop a fluffy and prominent crest. Females, do not grow white feathers and have almost no crest to speak of. Approximately 1 in 10,000 ruber inherit the green of verte ruber while the rest are rose ruber
Grown Verte Ruber painting
created with artbreeder

Life for Verte Ruber

Ruber are extremely social animals with each other, but fear most all other creatures and sentient beings. They prefer wide open spaces for flying with plenty of water to wade in. Ruber are the only creature in Huggleland that can be found both in fresh and saltwater habitats and can be found in every region except 'Okekō. Verte ruber consume fish and other aquatic life but also love to eat most flowers while rose ruber only eat small aquatic life. Not much is known about how verte ruber live in the wild as they are captured and relocated once discovered. In captivity, they are kept in a large enclosure with a man made stream and lake kept full of fish and surrounded by a variety of flowering gardens. Their enclosure's location is not public knowledge and they are taken care of by appointed officials. They receive the best veterinarian care and carefully monitored to ensure a long and carefree life.

The Very Important and Very Protected

While their story of origin cannot be proven, verte ruber are still considered sacred and should be held in high regard. After the Great Balancing, verte ruber was declared the official animal of the crown and it became law that all verte ruber must be reported immediately. They are the ultimate symbol of balance with graceful movements and their tendency to sleep standing on only one leg. The green of their feathers also represents balance and harmony. It is said that whomever, comes across a verte ruber in the wild will be granted eternal harmony for the rest of their days. Members of the royal family adorn themselves with green feathers to further strengthen their association with the rare birds.
They are incredibly protected no matter where in Huggleland you travel. The rules and consequences when dealing with verte ruber is spelled out clearly and does not leave room for negotiation.
  • Failure to report: one month hard labor in Harmony
  • Touching without permission: one month in prison
  • Causing harm (regardless of intention): one year of hard labor with banishment from Harmony after time served
  • Death (accidental or intentional): death by The Scale and banishment of any spouse and/or children from Harmony

  Those who have seen one in person, often describe the experience as a sort of spiritual awakening. They often devote themselves to service to the less fortunate or to the crown. Many claim to have openly wept at the sight of the revered bird. One woman of Quokka, calimed to have suddenly felt the presence of an unborn future Libra inside of her. She unfortunately died with a smile on her face one month later. Her final words were those of green wings and brilliant green light.
by artbreeder- Roxanlita
baby ruber
created with artbreeder
50 years
Conservation Status
Protected Animal- Harm of any kind will result in Severe punishment.
Average Height
5ft 6 In
Average Weight
by Roxanlita
All art in huggleland is used with full permission and/or ownership by Roxanlita

Cover image: by artbreed- roxanlita


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