The Scale Organization in Huggleland | World Anvil

The Scale

I'm sure The Scale doesn't exist. It's just there to keep people in line. But...why risk it? You know, just in case. -Bridan of Quokka

Balance Above All

Balance cannot be maintained without enforcement. The Scale is the highest level of enforcement. It is assumed they operate under the direction of the crown and move freely across the land. Their identities as individuals are a secret. To learn their identity is to sign your Order of Execution. They will do anything to maintain balance in the world.

Made by History

The Scale is said to originally be a military squad made infamous during The Great Balancing. The squad was a team of operatives that became best known for their efficiency and fierce loyalty to the vision of the new crown. Their methods may have turned stomachs, but the results made them heroes. After The Great Balancing, they found employ as bodyguards to the royal family but soon evolved into enforcers. As members aged or died they were replaced secretly with someone hand selected by their predecessor. No one knows how many members there are currently within the organization. However, legend says the original squad was comprised of only three members.

Carrying out "Justice"

If you find yourself on their list, The Scale will not stop until justice is carried out. There is no trial, no pleading your case, and no proving of innocence. The Scale only carries out one punishment for crimes worth their time; elimination. When someone is eliminated, their next of kin receives a letter with only the name of the convicted and the organizations seal. Most citizens are afraid to even mourn the loss of a family member for fear of drawing more attention. Before Queen Lokahina was crowned, it is said The Scale left the bodies, or remnants, of the executed on full display as a public warning to all under the direction of King Soach. While most persons are grateful they do not have to see such horrendous images; this leaves little proof of The Scale's existence and making room for conspiracy.

Reality or Myth

Some say The Scale does not actually exist. While most everyone agrees that they existed during The Great Balancing, their longevity and continued operation is highly debated. Most believe it is simply an empty threat to keep all in line. Still others equate them to hired assassins or thugs. Any proof of The Scale is usually dismissed as the work of copy cats or criminals covering their tracks. Those who truly believe in The Scale are usually regarded as paranoid. One thing everyone can agree on, is debating their existence should be done quietly... just in case.

"Balance Must be Maintained"

by roxanlita
Organization Seal
by roxanltia
Orignal battle flag
All art in huggleland is used with full permission and/or ownership by Roxanlita


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