Elf Species in Huggleland | World Anvil


I met an elf once. She glowed with grace, elegance, and beauty as I have never seen. After some liquid courage, I was able to walk up to her to say hello and ask to but kiss her delicate hand. As she let out a baritone chuckle, I realized she was in fact the most handsome man elf I had ever seen. Please don't tell my wife.
-Mervin Girdz
The Elves of Huggleland have long been touted as model citizens. They have an innate desire to maintain balance in the world around them and are willing to dedicate all of their energy to do so. There are rumors that the elves are the true leaders of Huggleland thanks to their extreme alignment in ideals of Huggleland, despite the governments claims that these rumors are unfounded and that the leaders are group of balanced and culturally diverse members. Due to their long history in Huggleland and lives that last centuries, the Elves long established themselves in some of the most bountiful and beautiful places. Most Elves keep to themselves but, it has become acceptable in most elven society for elves to travel the world as long as it is considered their destiny to do so. Elves are all born with some sort of magical power however, most do not have the means to "unlock" that power. It is believed that only those who should use such powers are able to awaken them without effort and it is frowned upon to put forth effort to push said awakening.   Four main Ethnic groups make up the Elven Race. While Elves of different groups are always welcoming to their kin, geography and culture tend to stop them from interacting with each other much. Each group is named the same as their corresponding regions, further feeding the rumors that the elves are the true founders and leaders of Modern Day Huggleland. These groups are the Flora, Fauna, Saccharo, and Spice Elves. Flora Elves tend to be the most open to traveling the land while the other three are more content to stay in their own bubble.   All Elves, regardless of ethnic background, often live a minimum of 700 years old. Most elves stop keeping track of their age leading to tales of Elves aging over a millennia. Once thought to be Immortal, Elves are taught from birth the importance of a legacy and focusing on timeless arts. This leads most Elves to enjoy music, literature, and the arts in all of their forms. Those who are blessed to have use of their given powers also focus on using those powers to achieve or maintain balance around them. Elves are not easy to make friends or enemies knowing most will not live half the life they do however, once they do, they never forget. Having so much time on their hangs means Elves can dedicate everything to whatever they are passionate about at any moment, knowing they will have time later for other passions. This sometimes includes vengeance. Though looked upon as distasteful, some Elves have been known to work decades on the perfect revenge.
Fauna Elf
by Roxanlita via Artbreeder

Notable Elves in Huggleland

Young Spice Elf
by Roxanlita via Artbreeder

Articles under Elf


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