Land of Shifting Pits
From an ocean, stretching as far as the eye can see, rises a big island. Mountains and hills filled with resoures in abundance hide a unique characteristic to Agonas — one that has its residents on the lookout for movement of the land. Shuddersand dictates the lives of everyone living in this region.
Marks of the places once called home lie strewn across its surface, with Shuddersand inevitably returning and bringing their time of use to an end.
A Change in Landscape
The Ulads in Agonas are not the small ones that can be found across the multiple continents of Hesli. These worms have suffered through multiple experiments in the capital, Agonis, at the hands of the mages. Residents in Agonas are few; any help they can get with gathering resources, especially the ones underground, is vital. Or so they believe. As a result, the region is plagued with Shuddersand. Therefore, the Agonians had to adapt to their new and ever changing environment; some turned into nomads travelling with tents across the lands, others have found a safe refuge in the mountains where the earth doesn't disappear from underneath their feet. Fortunately for the residents in the capital, the mages protect the city from the ever-shifting sands.Hub of Experiments
The massive behemoths squiggling underground aren't the only experiments that made an interesting turn. If anything, the invention and inherrent popularity of the Pingos is the cause of their existence. It has put the region on its head in multiple ways, mostly negative but also positive: it has brought a lot of tourism to the island with people visiting from far and wide to see the battles in the Pingorium. Furthermore, it is thanks to the experiments of the mages that Shudderlung exists and provides Agonas with a viable export "product", so to speak. Many mining companies send their personnel on "controlled expeditions" into the Shifting Pits to give them the coating, even though it doesn't last for a long time when exposed to the outside elements.
Everything may be at peace right now, but this wasn't always the case. After releasing their massive experimental Ulads, Shuddersand ran rampant, destoying so many of the established villages. Naturally, the residents did not like it when the ground ate their homes. Sliding thousands strong to the capital, an immense brawl ensued between the angry countryside and the city's mages.
Nowadays, people refer to it as The Great Slappening; as everyone has learned how to live under the current circumstances, they can all see the funny side of the conflict in hindsight.
Shuddersand sounds absolutely terrifying. I don't think I'd want to live anywhere in this region! O_O
Hehe, understandable! Fortunately, there are a few places not plagued by Shuddersand, like the capital, but otherwise it's a pretty nomadic life filled with risk. ^,^"