Mechanics Overview in Guardian Universe | World Anvil

Mechanics Overview

The core mechanics are delineated by three modes of player activity, each quite different but all interconnected through meaningful choices that effect a shared element called Nephesh. The Nephesh comprises the game state of each NPC, which is the battlefield the player effects, and bringing them to life as Spiritkind is the path to winning the game.


All NPCs possess a collection of characteristics, collectively called the Nephesh; a supernatural expression of human existence. The component characteristics define the intentions and strength of effort of each NPC, and determine how their AI behavior functions. The player seeks to nurture each NPC's Nephesh to life, adding them to the supernatural resistance effort and turning them into Spiritkind, a positive, powerful force in a dark world. The Fallen seek to corrupt every NPC's Nephesh, preventing them from becoming Spiritkind and damning them forever as rulers of death, prisoners of the Dark Garden.  

Butterfly Effect

Behavioral AI does not just change in response to player input, but also in response to NPC interaction. Each NPC will have an effect on those it comes into contact with, with the potential to spread hope, foster fear, build courage, engender hate, and promote peace, among many other effects. A living, breathing world, the human terrain is ever-changing, and the ripples the player makes in the pond will have a profound effect on the trajectory of everyone's lives.

Game Modes



  Explore a minutely detailed, open-world RPG village teeming with interactive NPCs, each with their own unique, context-driven story arcs. Discover every NPC's motivations, behavior tendencies, weaknesses, and potential to join your resistance as Spiritkind. Influence their thoughts and environment, engaging their potential and permanently shifting their behavior. Direct Guardians to protect promising recruits and your pivotal team of Spiritkind, and observe the results of your efforts, as their individual stories weave together to create a procedurally generated story with life-and-death stakes and never-ending variation.


  When humans come under attack from the twisted Fallen, you direct a Guardian angel to defend them. In a turn-based battle, you command the Guardian and influence the human, using powerful authority skills, and making key decisions to both protect the human from immediate danger and mitigate permanent damage to their psyche.


Examine the war zone from a strategic perspective at critical intervals, prioritizing efforts that will strengthen the resistance and choosing specific actions to influence the human landscape. Direct Guardians to where they are needed most and command Spiritkind to rally to the cause in a way that may just turn the tide.

Next up

  Do you want more detail about how these mechanics work?
Dive into our Detailed Core Mechanics page.
Or, look at what our Influences for the game are.
    Or, if you want to see non-fiction detail about the supernatural elements the design is based on, click any of these links (this will take you out of the guided tour.)


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Aug 7, 2021 01:29 by Geoffrey Young

This has come together beautifully. Great work!

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