Sciuridae Nesta - Guardians of the Mountains Species in Brocéliande | World Anvil

Sciuridae Nesta - Guardians of the Mountains

Nesta have a dislike of humans entering the mountain realm. They will lure humans with flashes of gold, orange or red and once the humans are where they want them, they will steal everything the mountain travellers haven't nailed down. The magic of the creatures is their ability to camoflage with the rocks themselves and have aligned themselves with the mountain parrot the kea, infamously misnamed Nestor notabilis by the adventurer Jamie Baret-Explorer and Naturalist Baret. The Rules: If ou accidentally run into a Nesta, which is very unlikely but possible as they do sometimes like to talk to pepole, be polite. Always learn the local legends and laws and follow those as different families of Nesta have different rules, but the most important of them all is stay away if you have no respect for the mountain. Nesta have humanoid paws and are very much like their close cousins Gremlins  
Sciuridae Nesta must not be approached at any cost. Your warning that they are on the mountainside is a flame-winged bird. If you ignore this warning, or harm this bird in any way, you will be cursed and you will be lucky to ever make it down off the mountainside, before avalanche or some other ill fate knocks you down
— Anonymous traveller
Nothing ever prepared me for the first time I meet a Guardian of the Mountain. The things they know, the things they can show you from the breathtaking views of the the bouldermines, to their tasty mountain quisine. My biggest regret will always be standing on one of their sacred flowers. A tiny misstep, but I fear I was lucky to make it down the mountainside alive.
— Glorya Gobbs
WARNING: The cheeky nature of the Nesta may not always be apparent at first glance, but they will pick apart your backpack, or send their flame winged birds out to do the same. Nothing is safe with these creatures and their friends around. They are particularly fond of cheese. Nothing is safe if you have cheese in it. You have been warned. Please treat all Nesta with the respect they deserve, and the mountains as carefully as you would if you were entering FaerLand. It is their territory and not yours.
TDSA The Department of Staying Alive
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by A,J. Ponder (me)


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