Fiend of the Forest Scene 3 - Bandit Caverns Plot in Faelon | World Anvil

Fiend of the Forest Scene 3 - Bandit Caverns

The Black Thorn has made an ally of Uveyn the Snake Mystic. In return for her assistance with his ventures, he provides money and resources for her research. Her assistance in the wagon ambush consisted primarily of overwhelming the guards with her Shalkarak.  
Behind the falls is an entrance to a cavern complex. For certain the girls must be in there…
  The freeband enters the encounter area from the falls.   Lighting: Gloom. Weather: Normal. Encounter area is friendly/not friendly to the Adventurers. Surprise: GM's discretion.   The girls are being held for ransom. They are in the cell. The door is locked (Devices 4, STR 7). The Bounty Hunter has the key. The Black Thorn and Bodyguard are in the Bandit Chamber. Uveyn and the Huskarl and Bounty Hunter, who are both smitten with the Snake Mystic, are in the Ritual Chamber. Her two Kaorl helpers are at the fountain getting water for everyone. When the Freeband enters, Uveyn will summon her Shalkarak. When she is in contact with the ritual circle, she spends one less power per spell and her Summon spells are TN2. The other bandits and Kaorls will come to the aid of these three as soon as initiative is rolled. It is up to the GM if the Bandits try and escape through the secret passage and at what point. Early, and its only the Thorn and Bodyguard who will escape and since they do not have the key, they will do so without the girls. Later escape options will be dependent on the flow of the action and whether this is the end of the adventure or a sequel is planned.   There are two locked chests in the Bandit Hideout, one in the main chamber and one in the Thorn’s private chamber. They are both Devices 6. If the Devices test is failed, the adventurer takes an AGL test 6 and if fails is hit a poison dart: d4 damage, venom.
Hideout Chest: 100 silver coins.
Thorn’s Chest:
Boots of Quickness
Item | Jun 9, 2024
  Experience: 1AP. If the girls are successfully rescued, +2 AP.   NPCs  

Snake Mystic (Caster)

The Snake Mystic may be taken as an Ally [Trusted] in the following freebands: Urdaggar, Black Rose, Black Thorn, Shakrim.

7d6Barbed Javelin d6+1**422d6CAR [Serpent Magic] d10, 15 Power, Slither, Serpent Dance, Allied [Trusted]31

Serpent Magic

Serpent Magic is spirit magic. This is the Freeblades spell list for the Snake Mystic (Caster).

Power CostSpell NameEffectDuration
(3)EnchantTarget takes SPR test 5. If failed, you determine the only type of movement action target may take from: Charge, Hold, Maneuver, Run, Break Off. Charmed models may not make any reactions.C
(3)Hard to KillTarget gains a life point. This life point is the first one lost. If it is not lost, it is removed without penalty in the End Phase. 9" range.I
(2)LureTarget gains Taunt. Target model is +1dl DISC for the DISC test associated with the Taunt action.C
(1)ObscureTarget is +2 to ranged DEF.C
(1)Poison SpitMaximum range 9”, d10 damage ranged attack. Those hit by this attack take an immediate END test 5 before the damage roll and gain a Poison [END] Token if the test is failed. Missile Spell.I
(1)SerpentineTarget gains Slither.C
(2)ScaredTarget enemy takes a SPR test 5 and if it fails, treats all of your friends as Fearsome.C
(1)SerpentineTarget gains Slither.C
(2)SlipperyTarget gains Elusive [+2].C
(3)Summon ShalkarakA Shalkarak Creature model is placed within 6" of Caster and at least 6" from any enemy. Spell is Target Number 4 to cast.C
Black Thorn Bandits - Freeband
Organization | Oct 8, 2022
Plot type

Articles under Fiend of the Forest Scene 3 - Bandit Caverns


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