The Thousend Hells Geographic Location in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

The Thousend Hells

Not evil...but close.

The thousand hells are an infinite set of infinite domains that are scattered across the metaphysical plane. They are the birthplace of the first demons and are unforgiving, horrific places to find yourself. The hells often take the form of wastelands in one way or another with noxious air and violent storms. The beings that dwell within are monstrous but the sentient demons are, according to most, quite agreeable unless provoked.


The hell dimensions are dangerous for mortals. The air is toxic and many beast wander the domains who often attack on sight. Apart from this almost everything in the hell dimensions are designed to kill mortals or at the very least cause severe discomfort. The grass is sharp, cutting through leather, the rain is mildly acidic, the sun burns the skin, and the noise itself is abrasive.

Fauna & Flora

Demonologists have gone into depth on the many demonic creatures that exist. They are incredibly varied and often depend on the aspect of their domain they most affiliate with.
The name refers to a long-lost text of a researcher from Ozlith named Hydryst Marcellinus who traversed the heavens and hells and cataloged them. He theorized that while the number of heaven and hell dimensions is infinite, there are close to a thousand distinctive factors that go into their formation and evolution. Hence a thousend heavens and a thousand hells.
Dimensional plane


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