Yak'koli | Ethnis Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Ethnis Discussion Boards Roleplay


Mon, Oct 23rd 2023 05:27
Yak'koli is a city of history, divisions, diversity, and unity. Though Yak'koli has no shortage of internal disputes alienating the upper city from the lower, the southerner from the northerner, and the laborer from the academic, its greatest divide is between the native and the foreigner.   Yak'koli is an oasis centered in many markets along many roads, It is an oasis inaccessible by any terrestrial means, and can only be reached from high above the land--via airship, or from far beneath it, via Undersea liner or by train. This isolation has necessitated a social unity between tel Yak'koli—the people of Yak'koli, who mostly live in its underground and resulted in a hostility towards the outsiders who visit via the skyport and spaceport of the upper city. The locals are cordial, though perhaps a bit too convinced of the wonder of their own city.
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