
ironClad is the universal standard programming language used for all three techclades.

It's a Ternary langage.

When Victory Corp paired up with Aempis scientists to create the Æthernet they needed to create a language which combined the best practices and concepts of C-Prime (A.K.A, Prime) and Shamearanare (A.K.A: Sha) to make a new programming language. ironClad.

In homage to its C-Prime origins, ironClad is named using the camelcase naming convention (lower case first letter, with all following words beginning uppercase) and it has a capital C in the name.

In homage to its Shamearanare origins, the language is self-descriptive by name, and includes the name of a metal in the name. (Shame is the Sazashi word for metal).

ironClad was so well written that over a millennium later it is still in usage. Of course, the strength of the language can't take all the credit; once the Banners began to grow and expand the code-bases of certain projects became so massive and unmanageable that it was clear that a standard would have to be established whether it was the best or not. Due to the ease of programming in ironClad, self-assessment at dev AND runtime, and its ease of interface all three of The Tech Clades, ironClad became the norm.

Ubiquitous, ironClad has been used universally since the Era of Expansion.

Advanced to Pivotal, depending on the codebase.

Extreme, almost all advanced technology relies on it.

None, aside from hardware.


Ease of Use

Whether you're working down in the trenches or designing things on a high-level, ironClad can be used to create highly productive and bulletproof code. You can switch between 4 levels of view at any time during development: Visual Scripting, Objective, Process, and Assembly.

Visual Script

In Visual Scripting format, code appears in drag-and-drop nodes. If you can make a functioning graph you can make a basic AI via this mode, or a prototype for a more advanced program.

Objective Format

In Objective format, code appears more in line with modern Object Oriented Programming practices, with text-based interface and code broken into classes.

Process Format

In Process format, code appears more in old C-style programming.

Assembly Format

In Assembly format you can work down in the registers and optimize the code.


During updates between versions, ironClad programs can internally assess performance changes across updates via machine learning and will intelligently revert if a new version affects performance in a non-desired way (such as causing errors within generated batch tests).

This has been used to successfully update a technology to the latest ironClad version after 900 years of isolation during the Melancholic Lacuna. It will also offer up suggestions on how to format or clean code to self-optimize, both during development and during the linker. The self-assessment can do much more, as well.


ironClad has a limited number of keyword and variable types. If you do not program new types or import many external libraries, the default codebase interfaces nicely with DNA Sequencers or Meta-Lab tools.

Whether it's programming a DNA sequencer, building a drone, or designing a golem, it's inescapable that your character understands ironClad. It works with entirely different principals per technology, but it's stood the test of time as a reliable standard.


Author's Notes

Meta Design Knowledge

I decided to call the original language C-Prime (Prime for short) due to this comment by one of the creators of C#
We wanted to have a reference to the language’s C heritage in the name and finally settled on C#. Some other candidates I recall were e-C, Safe C, C-square, C-cube, C-prime, C-star, and Cesium… Looking and those now I’m pretty happy with our choice.
— Anders Hejlsberg (Source)

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