Amberheart Elemental

The Amberheart Elemental is encountered somewhere at one of the bottoms of the Yak'kolithar Amberge Complex—it is a massive, oblong chunk of smooth, tempered Amberchrys which has become infused with an Eidolon to become agressive towards anyone who tries to pass through its cave.

Reminiscent of a jellyfish in shape, the chunk of Amberchrys floats above the chamber floor and is covered in a coating of molten Amberchrys. If it detects an intruder, it will float over them and attempt to bury them in a flood of hot amberchrys before using its magics to rapidly cool the amberchrys and encase the victim in hardened amber.


Each round, simulate the boss fight with this table.

The Elemental moves directly towards the closest character. If it is directly over them, they must make an Agility check of 7 to dodge the downpour of Molten Amberchrys.
The Elemental moves directly towards the closest character. If it is directly over them, they must make an Agility check of 7 to dodge the downpour of Molten Amberchrys.
The Amberchrys already in the room wells up and pops, around any drainholes, splashing nearby with a hot geyser of Amberchrys. Lower the Amberchrys level by 1.
Raise the Amberchrys level by 1. Any exposed area at that level is now under molten Amberchrys.
For the next round, the entire chamber rains hot molten Amberchrys, and anyone out of cover is splashed by it. Raise the Amberchrys level by 1.
If it is close to a player, the Elemental hurls its weight down against the nearest cover with a player in it, flattening any structures down to their lowest level and dealing 70 damage to anything within.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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