Iceburrow Fox

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
The iceburrow fox is an arctic species, native to the northern ice caps. They are an energetic species, and primarily prey on lightdancer larks and ice cap rabbits. This species is capable of "swimming" through ice, maintaining a half-corporeal state and jumping between air and water pockets. Despite its name, the fox does not actually burrow through the ice, though it does appear to do so.
The iceburrow fox stalks its prey from below, its vision able to pierce through the layers of ice and detect movement in the coat of snow. When it emerges, it does so ready to bite down on its prize. When hunting flying prey, however, the species has to get a bit more creative. Iceburrow foxes have been known to purposefully collapse sections of ice to break up the snow layer, allowing them to see shadows cast from the sky.


The iceburrow fox has a long, thin, and very flexible body, and four pairs of legs. Fully extended, the fox can reach a length of 7 feet, but it is able to curl up into a sphere-like shape as small as only 1 foot in diameter. The fox has white fur, highlighted with light blues or teals, similar in colour to the ice they spend much of their time in.

Reproduction & Habitation

The iceburrow fox sleeps in larger pockets of air beneath the ice, and mates for life. Iceburrow fox pairs have litters of one to three kits. These kits live with their parents into young adulthood, and often come back to take care of their parents when they become old.
Geographic Distribution


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Mar 17, 2024 22:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, I love that the young come back and take care of the parents when they are old. That's sweet.

Mar 17, 2024 23:03 by spleen

i was inspired by... some other animal that also does this? i think it was crows, im not sure. some corvid, i think?

Have a wonderful day!