Great Jhosophant Species in Etharai | World Anvil

Great Jhosophant

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
The great jhosophant is a much larger omnivorous descendant of the jhosophant. Many aspects of this species are worrying - they have lost the kindness, empathy, and social connections of their smaller counterparts. Rather, the Great Jhosophant wanders alone. It habitually eats meat, though it gains no nutrients from such food. It is aggressive, wild, and fierce. Despite their genetic ancestors being native to the central areas of the arid plains, Great Jhosophants are found exclusively on its outside areas, where the biome meets others.


The great jhosophant is over twice the size of the jhosophant, with flat backs, taut skin, and smaller ears. It grows many tusks in its lifetime, their tusks growing and shedding quickly. They often have three to seven tusks at a time, and they are much more firm and sturdy than the tusks of the regular jhosophant. The bases of their feet are larger as well, to support the weight of the animal. The bases of their feet are flexible, however, and allow them to move around in terrain that would otherwise be difficult to traverse.

Evidence of Genetic Tampering

Genetic testing of Great Jhosophants has revealed a few worrying signs - certain unnatural patterns in their DNA seems to imply that the genetic material of these creatures was artificially tampered with. Specifically, it seems that their ancestral compassion was removed from them, and replaced with a craving for meat, despite not having the biology required to digest it. This has resulted in illness across the entire species, and very often led to premature death. Despite having lost the predisposition and ability to form large groups, the species still suffers from a lack of social connection - though unable to understand why or remedy this loneliness. The stress resulting from these situations causes them to lash out at anything that comes near, especially when it is one of their own kind, and the species often has intense and bloody fights with one another - the only exception being their mating season. The origin of this tampering is largely thought to be from the World Before - most likely, they were engineered to be war mounts in the War of World's End or perhaps previous conflicts.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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May 19, 2024 16:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, poor angry babies. :(