Nia-Neph Species in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Nia-Neph (Nee-ah-nef)


Nia-Neph are the offspring of angels and humans, embodying traits from both their celestial and mortal lineages. They are known for their impressive stature and presence, often standing taller and appearing more imposing than the average human. Nia-Neph possess a mix of human emotion and angelic prowess, which includes enhanced physical abilities, a natural affinity for understanding divine or mystical phenomena, and occasionally, the power to perform miracles or wield supernatural forces. Their existence is often shrouded in mystery and subject to varying interpretations—some view them as protectors of humanity, while others see them as harbingers of change or turmoil.

Basic Information


Humanoid but with occasional angelic features such as vestigial wing nubs or halo-like auras. Their physical forms are a blend of human and otherworldly characteristics.

Biological Traits

Extended lifespan, enhanced healing capabilities, and some inherent supernatural abilities, such as resistance to earthly diseases and ailments.

Genetics and Reproduction

Can reproduce with humans and other Nia-Neph, though their offspring always carry some traits of their celestial heritage, albeit diluted over generations.

Ecology and Habitats

Often drawn to places of spiritual or historical significance, where the veil between the earthly and the divine is thin.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily omnivorous, similar to humans, but with a capacity to absorb ethereal or spiritual sustenance from their surroundings.

Biological Cycle

They age slowly and mature both physically and spiritually over extended periods, reflecting the longevity of their angelic ancestors.


Nia-Neph tend to be contemplative and measured in their actions, often burdened with the knowledge and responsibilities of their dual nature.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They do not have a specific social structure among their kind, but they often assume roles of leadership or guidance among other species due to their wisdom and strength.

Facial characteristics

Commanding and serene, with features that often inspire both awe and comfort in others.

Average Intelligence

Exceptionally high, combined with emotional depth and an innate understanding of moral and ethical dilemmas.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced sensory abilities, particularly in detecting spiritual or supernatural phenomena.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

As with many celestial-influenced beings, their concepts of gender are often fluid and based more on personal identity than societal norms.

Relationship Ideals

They value deep, meaningful relationships, often seeking partners who can understand and share in their complex existence.


Fully sapient, with a profound capacity for reasoning, emotion, and self-reflection.

Common Myths and Legends

Often featured in stories as mighty warriors or wise mentors, their tales are intertwined with the history of human civilization and its interactions with the divine.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Generally respected or revered by other species, though their power and origins can also lead to fear or mistrust.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Descended from the union of humans and angels, their ancestry imbues them with qualities seen as both divine and earthly.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Robust and statuesque, with an almost sculptural quality to their physical form that reflects their angelic heritage.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Often have a subtle glow to their skin, which can range from fair to deep tones mixed with ethereal shimmering qualities. Markings, if present, are usually symbolic and reflective of their angelic lineage.

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