Englemat Item in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Englemat (ENG-leh-mat)

Norse Honeyed Ricotta with Rosewater

Englemat, or 'Angels Food,' is a divine Norse dessert that combines the creamy texture of fresh ricotta with the sweet notes of honey and the subtle floral hint of rosewater. This ethereal dish is a simple yet luxurious treat that would have graced the tables of Norse nobility.

Recipe Directions

1. Use a fork to fluff up the fresh ricotta in a mixing bowl. 2. Gradually whisk in the honey or sugar, adjusting the amount to your sweetness preference. 3. Stir in the rosewater for a fragrant touch. 4. Serve chilled as a refreshing end to a meal or as a palate cleanser between courses.


While ricotta is not traditionally Norse, Englemat represents the fusion of local dairy practices with the imported luxuries of honey and rosewater, indicative of Norse trade and cultural exchanges. This dessert would have been a special treat, symbolizing wealth and the Norse people's appreciation for finer ingredients obtained through trade.
Prep Time (hours)
Items Needed
Mixing bowl, fork or whisk for fluffing, serving dish.


300g fresh ricotta
1-2 tablespoons honey or sugar, to taste
1-2 tablespoons rosewater, to taste
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
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