Communication Style: Ashur in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Communication Style: Ashur


Journal Communication Style

This details how the character expresses themselves in their journal. Is their language formal, informal, witty, or dramatic?
Ashur's journaling is a testament to his powerful presence. His entries are composed with a formal, authoritative tone, echoing the thunderous power of the storms he rules. His words are chosen deliberately, each sentence structured to convey his command over language and narrative.  

Journal Interaction Divesity

This attribute speaks to the range of characters the journal writer interacts with.
Ashur's interactions are selective, aligning with his status as a divine ruler. His journal notes detailed discussions with other figures of authority and power, though he does not shy away from imparting his wisdom to those he deems worthy of his attention, regardless of their status.  

Journal Adventure

This is about the nature of adventures the character embarks on or fantasizes about.
For Ashur, adventure is a means to assert his dominance and control. His journal entries depict strategic moves in divine politics and power plays rather than physical escapades, showcasing his mental agility and authoritative nature.  

Journal Historical Engagement

Here we look at how the character engages with history.
Ashur's engagement with history is as much about shaping it as it is about learning from it. His journal entries are filled with reflections on past rulers and empires, using their legacies to craft his vision for the future.  

Journal Intimacy (18+)

This reveals the character’s approach to romantic and sexual experiences.
Ashur's approach to intimacy is measured and reserved, as befits his regal demeanor. His journal hints at deep, meaningful connections with a select few, crafted with the same care and attention as his policies and decrees.  

Journal Physicality and Movement

This attribute describes the character's physical expression, whether it's through dance, exercise, or other movements.
Ashur's physicality is commanding and purposeful. His journal recounts his movements not in terms of exercise or dance but as a series of deliberate actions meant to demonstrate his power and presence.  

Journal Motivations and Social Aptitude

This highlights what drives the character and how they interact socially.
Driven by a profound sense of duty and a desire for order, Ashur's journaling reflects his motivations to lead and govern. His social interactions, as detailed in his entries, are often diplomatic missions, negotiations, and councils with other divine beings.  

Journal Travel Profile

This defines the character's traveling style and preferences.
Ashur's travels, as he meticulously documents, are pilgrimages to places of historical power and spiritual significance. His visits are rarely impromptu; they are planned with precision, often coinciding with celestial events or political gatherings. The locations he chooses to record in his journal are always purposeful, serving his broader ambitions or reflecting his divine responsibilities.  

Journal Frquency

This tells us how often the character updates their journal.
Ashur's journal entries are methodically penned. While not daily, they are regular, often coinciding with important events or reflections on significant decisions. Each entry is crafted with intention, serving as a historical record of his reign and thoughts rather than a casual diary.  

Journal Travel Quirks

This includes any peculiar habits the character has while traveling or journaling about their travels.
Prefers to write in a bullet-point format, reflecting his organized and authoritative nature. This structured approach helps him categorize his thoughts and actions methodically.

Writing Style Inspiration
Sun Tzu - "The Art of War." This classic embodies Ashur's strategic, authoritative nature, offering wisdom that aligns with his divine domains of power and authority.

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