Thierrin Myth in Ealam | World Anvil


The people of Cetoile embrace myth and legend with open arms, but the dearest to them is their story of Thierrin, the wandering god, and his twelve stars. Thierrin and his twelve stars travelled far and wide across Ereb, Anatoia and Auritio before settling in the sun-blessed valleys of Cetoile and blessing its inhabitants with a spark of their divinity.


Thierrin was born from the death of Hethe, the Living God. When Hethe was pierced by a devil's spear, legend has it he smiled as his blood touched the earth. Feeling great pity, the earth gave birth to Thierrin, blasphemous son of Hethe and lover of humanity. As he journeyed the earth, giving miracles freely and drawing the ire of the god Taranis, who threw down twelve stars, each an angel from the heavens tasked with bringing Thierrin to heel, and to Taranis' throne in the sky. Each of the twelve stars grew to love Thierrin, however, and broke their vows to Taranis. When Thierrin journeyed to the Sky Throne, he did so freely, leaving the land of Cetoile, and promising its people a lovelier land waited for them still.


The myth spread commensurate with Thierrin's travels, and is common knowledge across Ereb, Anatoia and Auritio.

Cultural Reception

This myth is central to Cetoilais culture and identity. Its veracity is generally uncontended on mainland Ereb. Erebi cultures see it as an explanation for the Cetoilais way of life. Detractors say that the descendants of the Stars are soft, weak and indulgent in their blessings.

In Literature

The journeys of Therrin and the Stars are collected in many forms and have inspired countless works of art.
The Wandering God, The Blasphemous Wanderer, Patron of Cetoile
Love without shame.
Love, Celestial, Courage, Chaos, Good, Generosity, Mercy
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