Range Bands - Generic Table Bug in Creation | World Anvil

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Range Bands - Generic Table Bug

Statblock Generic Table - 1 Column Bug



  Create a one column table using statblock generic tables.
  With the exception of a few tests all of my existing tables have been created with statblock generic tables, and all of my css it formatting on statblock generic tables. I am not looking to switch to interactive tables which have some amazing features however most of which I do not need for simple tables. Also there is an element of time involved in switching and an ease of use for the statblock generic table data.    


  The table data does not render in the statblock.    

Table Data

[b] Close Range [/b]
Almost touching, this is where melee and close combat happen.
[b] Short Range [/b]
Too far to swing a sword, but you can close this distance in a few steps.
[b] Medium Range [/b]
Far apart and the maximum range for thrown weapons.
[b] Long Range [/b]
Can see each other but to far to talk.
[b] Extreme Range [/b]
Too far away to engage except with magical assistance.


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