Player Character & Cast in Creation | World Anvil

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Player Character & Cast

Number One

Character links in one place

I am suggesting a change to the character blocks listed under ...
  • World Community > Players Characters and
  • Campaign > Cast and
  • Dashboard > Your RPG Characters
  • One of the most common complaints from new players is getting lost in the World Anvil process. Having their hero/character show all the links in one place would be a way of consolidating under one point. Some players don't realize that hero profiles and character articles are not the same. The word "Character" gets used for many items;
  • Characters / Heroes Profiles
  • Character / Person Articles
  • Character Sheets
  • In the example below the name Cassandra is used three times (hero, article and sheet). Seeing them all in one place could assist their understanding and navigation. In the second example of Leto this acts as a master status for a character, allowing the gm or player to see that they are not part of the campaign and we need to attach a sheet.  

    Number Two

    One Character Hub or location for characters

    In addition I can find Cassandra in all three of these locations (Player Characters, Cast, Your RPG Characters). It is worth considering there be a Character Hub with characters listed in three sections (My Characters, World Characters, Campaign Characters) on the same page. In this Campaigns and Worlds could reference this Character Hub for the characters.   Even if one or both of these ideas are not the right fit, hopefully it may trigger other great ideas from its mention. Please pardon and forgive my formatting.  

    World Owner View

    Hero Profile: Cassandra
    User: Graylion
    World: Creation
    Article: Cassandra

    Campaign: Shadow-War
    Sheet: Cassandra
    Hero Profile: Duke Leto
    User: Graylion
    World: Dune
    Article: Duke Leto

    Campaign: Unassigned
    Sheet: Unassigned

    Player View

    Hero Profile: Cassandra
    User: Graylion
    World: Creation
    Article: Cassandra

    Campaign: Shadow-War
    Sheet: Cassandra
    Hero Profile: Duke Leto
    User: Graylion
    World: Dune
    Article: Duke Leto

    Campaign: Unassigned
    Sheet: Unassigned


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