Play-by-Post Discord Plot in Creation | World Anvil

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Play-by-Post Discord

Play-by-Post Discord Summary

01. The Scene
02. Player Narrative
03. Storyguide Review
04. Dice & Fate
05. Results

Play-by-Post Discord Detail

01. The Scene

The scene may be initiated by ..
• Player Aspiration or setting interaction ...
• Storyguide Hook or Story ...
• Winds of Fate
The Storyguide will post any scenes in Discord with possible links to World Anvil for greater details.
02. Players Narrative

Players narrates their approach to the scene ...
• The player should describe and narrate their actions not system mechanics.
• Please keep all scenes within the Discord channels.
• The player should describe and narrate merits, skill tricks, gear or powers that they want to use.
• Include any dice pool combination following the action like skills and attributes.
• The player should suggest dice pools they think make sense.
• You should be able to justify any unual dice pools.
• Please include any enhancements or resources spent like Vitae or Momentum
• Please note the dice and mechanics used are secondary to the narrative.
• If you don't know a mechanic, don't worry just describe what you want to do.
Good Example...
I flood my limbs with vampire Vitae fueling an unnatural strength as I attempt to tear the door from its hindges.
(1 vitae, Atheletics + Might 8d + 1e)

Bad Example ...
I spend 1 Vitae to add to my might and make an Atheltics + Might roll to break the door

03. Review

The storyguide will ...
Review the player narrative and clarify any questions
Accept, Alter or Assign any dice pool or mechanics
04. Dice & Fate

Players ...
Roll dice in the same channel as the scene is posted.
Use the format listed below which triggers the Discord dice bots:
Format & Example
Side Kick Discord Dice bot

/r $5+1
/r 5d10!>10>=8+1

/r (Sidekick Trigger)
(space between /r and $)
$ (Macro Call)
S (Standard Target 8)
A (standard 10-Again)
B (9-Again)
C (8-Again)
+1 (Enhancement)

The Storyguide will handle the dice for NPCs or conflict mechanics like Backlash or Paradox.
05. Results

The Storyguide will post the results of your actions in the Discord channel and possible link a World Anvil article.



Roleplaying Quote

— Graylion


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