Advanced Webhooks - Feature Request in Creation | World Anvil

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Advanced Webhooks - Feature Request

Advanced webhooks would allow a game master to create an assign up to 2 webhooks for a player to connect from World Anvil to their Discord server. This would be a far superior feature to most Dice Bot used within Discord allowing for greater flexibility and formatting. The general use case would be a game master assigning webhook 1 for the group or party posting, with webhook 2 being used as a private posting for the player. This could be a hot feature for World Anvil users that are also heavy Discord users. This type of feature could also be encouragement for higher paying World Anvil upgrades.

Rough example of what Advanced Webhooks may look like.
Many more options available for use but characters, dice and Discord are the focus.
Could be a higher tier feature.
Could encourage WA tier upgrades.
By posting dice rolls in Discord as a webhook the player would not be able to delete bad rolls.


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