Backstory Plot in Creation | World Anvil

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Backstory cut scenes or flashbacks are snippit scenes into the background of your characters life. These are meant to help flesh out several important details of your character background while focusing on highlight events or notable character selections like paths, skills, attributes or edges.    
The Mortal Shell
This will be an event that focuses on who you were as a mortal, the person before the vampire. This scene could revolve around your origin path, training, career, family, or friends for example. This could even be a significant event that lead you away from your origin path.
The Turning
This scene revolves around becoming kindred and gives an opportunity to answer the question how your character died and why your clan selected you. This scene allows you to meet your sire and understand your place in your clan bloodine. It is most common for your vampire clan to be your role path and the focus of this scene.
The Presentation
This quick scene represents your character's presentation to the prince or elder authority by you and your sire. This event gives an opportunity for you to impress the prince, your clan, your sire and the gathered members of the court. The minimum expectations are for you to know your name and bloodline, as well as the Traditions, anything else is a bonus. Many a sire have looked their progeny in the eye an entoned these important words, "... and don't step on your !@#$..."
The Dead Afterlife
This scene is a catch all scene that will most likely focus on your society path or vampire covenant. This is an opportunity to meet and understand the covenant hierarchy and your position in it. This is also an opportunity to use any of the special features of your covenant like coils, oaths, or blood sorcery.
    In most cases we know the outcome of these scenes being the items selected on your character sheet however the details or journey is more important than the destination. These scene are meant to connect your character to these choices and the setting. Bonus Experience Points will be gained and important occurrences noted and connected to your character for the future. Friends may be gained as well as life long enemies.


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