Eoforwic Settlement in Cimmerian Shade | World Anvil



In the Middle Ages, Eoforwic was home to great wealth and great squalor. It was noisy and crowded: the city was filled with narrow lanes crammed with houses. Some had yards where they kept pigs and other animals. But there were also gardens and orchards within the city, and the open country and farmland was never far away.

Eoforwic was a smelly place. Butchers’ offal rotted in the ditches and streets. Privies were built on the city moat and Ouse Bridge. One 15th century account describes the city’s ‘great corruptions and horrible and pernicious air’

The much-feared and contagious disease of leprosy increased in the years after the Norman Conquest. To contain it, Eoforwic built a leper house – St Nicholas’s Hospital, just outside the walls.

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