Biotech Technology / Science in Calyria | World Anvil


Like Cybertech, Biotech or Bioware is a method of improving and modifying the body.



Biotech refers to the modification of a body with genetically improved variants of the body's own organs or cells cultivated in vats. Popular improvements with biotech include artificial muscle fibres or improved lungs, which utilize oxygen from the air much better than the natural lungs.

There are two different types of biotech. One is generic and can easily be inserted into another body after the wearer's death. The second variant is tailor-made and fits genetically and physically only to the body for which it was originally made.

Since the biotech material consists of natural components, it is much more compatible for the organism than cyberware, but the purchase price is significantly higher compared to conventional cyberware. It also takes much longer to obtain Bioware and requires that the hospital that is to perform the procedure has access to important medical data and the genetic profile of the patient.



In general, the use of biotech is legal, although some changes require a license. However, there are many ways to avoid licensing biotech.

The changes that can influence fights, such as reinforced muscle fibres, are subject to licensing. Cosmetic modifications are only subject to licensing if they allow the optical modification beyond recognition.


Biotech is mainly used to replace damaged organs or muscle fibres, but also for cosmetic changes. Beyond the known ways, biotech is also used to strengthen and optimize street fighters and corporate fighters who want to get the most out of their own potential.

Access & Availability

While access to biotech was initially limited to large, specialized hospitals in the USA, smaller modifications are now also offered by special tattoo and piercing shops. Larger modifications are still offered in a - mostly very expensive - special clinic.

Tailored biotech always needs a special clinic.


The complexity of biotech varies depending on how big the change is. A simple replacement organ is much less complicated than a perfectly manipulated and reinforced organ.


The first experiments with genetically manipulated clone implants were carried out in the early 2000s, even though the technology has only become widespread in the last 15 years.

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Cover image: by Susanne Lamprecht


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