Beihon Species in Black Light | World Anvil


Beihon ( bey-HON) are a species of sapient bipedal insectoids that mainly live in the north-western lands of Frasfu, in the Republic of Han Guo and the Principality of Yonhun. Due to their physical appearence, strikingly different from the other sapient species, they face strong discrimination in most places. However, that hasn't stopped them from being a very developed people in their own countries.
So many different sapient species in a single world makes no sense with our current understanding of evolution, so there must be something wrong with it. After studying the beihon I have some ideas, but I don't know if I should keep digging into this.
The truth is, I'm afraid of the answers I might find.
— From Min-aniara Laita's travel journal.



Beihon are a very diverse species, with different ethnicities displaying different insect traits, including nonfunctional wings. Some of them have six limbs, others have four; some have antennae, others don't. But they all have in common a sturdy exoskeleton that covers most of their bodies.
  When it comes to coloration, shades of brown are the most common exoskeleton color. However, green, red, yellow are also frequent —and even blue and purple can be seen at times. These colors are frequently combined in a pattern reminiscent of another insect, such as yellow and black stripes or black spots on a red background.



The Green Sea seems to be where beihon first lived. They slowly expanded northward, surrounding the Han Guo Gulf, and southward, towards the Green Finger. They founded Han Guo as a kingdom, which is now a republic (from which the Principality of Yonhun split) and has a world-renowed reputation for its libraries, universities, and scholars.
  Beihon have a nomadic heritage, and it's easy to find some in any part of the world. Unfortunately, many people from most other species consider them a lesser species due to their alien appearance. But even with these difficulties, Han Guo and Yonhun keep good relations with their neighbors and people from all over Frasfu turn to them for advice and knowledge.
Creepy things, those bugs. Always staring at you with that face with no feeling, they are.
— Overheard from a jongyan carpenter in Hawong.
From Min-aniara Laita's travel journal.

70 years
Average Height
2 meters
Disguising as a beihon was a pain —in a literal sense. Producing a complete exoskeleton was a difficult experience that I hope to never repeat.
— From Min-aniara Laita's travel journal.


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