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The 52 Rules

Even a normal deck of playing cards requires precise rituals for proper play. Certain societial expectations ensure a smooth and fair playing field. This only gets ramped up more when dealing with cosmic to potentially demonic forces.   There are 52 rules and stipulations for the perfect usage of Decks. The number known currently can be counted on one hand but each user keeps their understanding secret in hopes of maintaining an advantage over their adversaries. It is rumored Vocara has unearthed 3 more, but word from the Wanderer camps have been mum on this front.   No less than 100 deaths are be attritubed disagreements in card gambling per year in Bard's Gate. This is why decorum is so important. Even in games where only money is on the line proper etiquette can be deadly serious. The stakes only ramps up when dealing with mystic and strange forces.     The more rules one acquire the stronger communication with the powers beyond is. Each power is unique, the source of their magic is as varied as their goals. Each one playing cosmic chess with us as mere pawns. Each one offering access to their magic, yet all bound by the same rules. All playing the same game.   Each Power operats on multiple worlds, multiple planes so they are frequenktly unavailable. The more ranks you raise the more ou prove your value to them and they more likely they are to answer. More willingly do they share their power and allow you to tap into gtreter sources of power.   Dating the writing within the Ziggurats indicated they were active in the worlds previous, but it is unclear why they left for such a longer period of time. Most perplexing is why they are active once again especially in such a sudden manner. As their grips increase in this world the only way to contain their powers is to follow their rules.

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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