Outcasts from their own societies, the Wanderers have formed their own culture, bringing together disparate races and cultures from across the continent and creating something new. They travel across the great plains north of Bard's Gate that lead to the The World Spine and the ruined city of Tsar that once served as an important trade route to the lands further north and provided a land route to Libynos.
A nomadic people, freedom of movement has become deeply integrated into their culture and they are always seeking out new adventures. All having once been cast out of their cultures they seek to never experience the pain of being dependent on one strict geographical area. They have complere run of the plains and even the famed Griffon Knights are unable to track them.
Since most groups know at least a little of the common tongue, they have formed their own pidgin language that they prefer to use for commmunicating with each other. Each generation this language has become more codefied and their willingness to use common lessens, resulting in a society that consisently eschews the dominant customs of the region.
The Wanderers have formed a relationship with the Cult of the Clouds and use their vast network to feed them information and facilitate any trades where an independent third-party is required. Their long working relationship together have brought these less understood groups close and they share their secrets with each other.
Refusing any standard gold coins, they accept barter transaction amongst themselves and magic items from outsiders. They travel fairly light, showing only minimal arms and armor. It's unknown where they store what must now be an extensive collection.
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