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Cult of the Clouds

Streaking over the The World Spine are straight lines of clouds, unconnected to any existing natural formations. Scholars claim they are from natural wind patterns blowing across snow packs. Religious authorities call them omens from the gods but have offered no intrepertation to their meaning.   The Cult has a different explaination: aliens.   Fully embracing their existence on the fringes of societial thinking, they call themselves Cult of the Clouds. Not strictly religious in nature, they do believe in above-world powers. Aliens taking flight to travel where they please, like mortal angels but with no precepts from divine powers.   Keeping vigilant eyes on the skies, the cult awaits one of these angels to fall so they can capture the magic item they use for flight.   Movements observed on Narrah the Pale Moon, show similar trajectories to the flight patterns mapped over the World Spine. These travellers must come from the moon and are awaiting the right time to make meaningful contact between the two realms.   The Cult hopes to make first contact and maintain a monopoly over trade. Not simply a means to great riches, but control over the influx of their magic would yield the Cult economic trade power that rivals the free-city of Bard's Gate.   In the meantime they pay handsomely for information about any discoveries made in the Word Spine, as long as they are the exclusive owners of that information.   Maintaing an embassy in the goblin Capitol City they are the only human group which maintains a permanent presence there, most traders minimize the time spent in their lands. Their close ties to the goblines give them first dibs on any of their findings.

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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