Starstone Material in Bardic Verse | World Anvil
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Starstone, as the name suggests, is a cosmic mineral born of the stars, bringing with it celestial energy. This mineral shines with a dim inner light that resembles starlight and is found primarily in areas where celestial constellations 'touch' the land, such as mountain peaks, sacred groves, or deep within ancient ruins.
    The dominant colors are blues and purples, but occasionally, observers might catch a glimpse of shimmering gold or flashing emerald green. These shifting colors move and swirl, almost in a liquid-like manner. The faint twinkle of distant galaxies and the bioluminescence of deep sea creatures can be seen when stared at long enough. Those who stare long enough find themselves lost in another world.
    When held tight against the body, a steady pulsing can be felt. The heartbeat of the universe. Through this energy, magic can be tapped, enjoining the user to greater cosmic forces. These tendrils of energy flow through all things but those unaware of it are susceptible to its machinations. Their senses can be overpowered, highjacked to act without thinking. Those who dare to use the power of the Starstone must overcome and always be on guard lest the cosmos rends you back into its chaotic seas.    

Uses by the Guilds

  Arcane Energy Source: The Arcanum Guild uses Starstone to power their spells and enchantments. When used in arcane rituals or as a core in magical artifacts, Starstone amplifies the power of the magic, making spells more potent and enduring.
Fuel: For the Iron Guard, Starstone acts as an exceptional fuel source. When crushed and burned, it releases tremendous energy, which helps forge weapons or power large machines and fortifications.

Healing Amplifier: The Divine Conclave uses Starstone in healing rituals and crafting sacred artifacts. It enhances the potency of their healing abilities, and when a large amount is amassed, it can even resurrect the recently deceased.  

Stealth Tool: The Fox's Den utilizes Starstone to create tools and devices for stealth operations. When shrouded in shadow, Starstone can absorb light, making the bearer nearly invisible.  

Nature's Bond: For the Verdant Vanguard, Starstone deepens their connection with nature. When a ranger attunes to a Starstone, they can perceive the natural world more vividly, sensing disturbances or communicating with wildlife at an unparalleled level.  
Harvesting and utilizing Starstone effectively has become a major strategy for each guild, leading to intense competition. New Starstone deposits can trigger guild wars, alliances, betrayals, and epic quests, making it a focal point of the world's power dynamics.
So find some buddies and get some Starstone!

Quests: Compete With Other Guilds and Win Prizes

  Each season the guilds compete to collect the most Starstone. Due to celestial positionings, Starstone only maintains its magical properties for a single season. Each guild collects as much as they can, then uses it to empower their guildmembers for the next season.  
Unfurl the scroll to view the quests and help your guild!


In the Shadow of the Forgotten Guardian

Hover for Image.   A giant, cracked stone statue depicting a hooded, armored figure stands alone in a desolate landscape. Local folklore tells tales of the statue coming alive in the time of greatest need. The Verdant Vanguard, intrigued by these tales, asks adventurers to investigate the statue. The group must uncover a way to awaken the stone giant, fulfilling an ancient prophecy that promises a wealth of Starstone upon the awakening of the "Forgotten Guardian."
  Reward: Guardian's Resilience Set - Show off your steadfast power with stone-textured armor and hooded-helmet in the same style as your newfound friend!     Open

Iron Heart, Cold Flesh

Hover for Image. The duo, a man and robot, has been using the Starstone powered core to maintain a magical barrier to save a nearby village from a horde of relentless zombies. Danger! The core's energy has begun to wane, while the horde or gathers greater strength. Your task is twofold: ensure the man and the robot survive, and put an end to the undead onslaught once and for all!
  Reward: Mechanist's Regalia - Equipped with intricate gear-filled designs, this cosmetic set will tell the world you're ready for the steam-fueled revolution!   Open

The Echoing Mist

Hover for Image. Appearing only at prime questing hours 11pm-2am, a fog shrouded tower appears admist the rocky crags. Local legends speaks of an ancient wizard trapped deep within and cursed repeat his experiments until the last star fades. His study attracts Starstones into this location making for juicy hauls, though time is ever ticking...
  Reward: Set of the Timeless One - Put on your robe and wizard hat, with this slightly older meme, sir, but it checks out. Deck yourself in a set stylized in the finest of constellations intertwined with cosmic clock faces.    
Akin to the aftermath of a wizard's birthday bash, particularly those of racuous years. The smell of ozone hits you upfront then opens to elderberry wine and finishing with just a hint of rainbow vomit.
Mostly tasteless - though it was once eaten by a cat who then gave birth to an hyper-intelligent esper alien-cat. For myself, I see zero risk whatsoever and with an upside like that you'd be a fool not to try. ⚠️
That of two jacked-up rainbows fighting in a funhouse full of crystal mirrors.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Are you really trying to boil a rock?
Common State
Your usual crystalline solid. Well, if you consider a space-time warping, color-shifting, McGuffiny pulsating rock a 'solid.'
Ooze-Oasis by Enmanuel Martinez
  At distance, it appears as a source of refuge from any drylands! More than mere mirage, travelers can take a refreshing drink from the waters surrounding the ooze-oasis!   Though not a malevolent creature, the entity has absorbed many personalities within its being as it expands across the multiverses and acts unpredictably. It can transfer Starstone across different worlds, though the transfer requires about half the sent Starstone to power the transfer. This allows players across multiple campaigns and multiple characters to transfer their funds to empower other groups!

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Cover image: Tavern Interior by Dean Spencer


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Jul 3, 2023 19:47 by Drake Ragon

The snippet on the right as well as the focus on the wide range of used helped this article a lot. Basically, read itself.

„You are so blinded by the present that you cannot be enlightened by the future.”
Jul 4, 2023 05:13

Thanks for taking the time to read my article! Once I start doing the other prompts, I'll circle back to this one and add to it. As more pieces of the puzzle are put in place, the value of each one can be more easily understood.   I'll have to look into getting a translator extension so I can check out your articles. Ah, well, I suppose I have already checked them out. But understanding is a whole different matter...

Aug 21, 2023 06:04 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

"Odor: Akin to the aftermath of a wizard's birthday bash, particularly those of racuous years. The smell of ozone hits you upfront then opens to elderberry wine and finishing with just a hint of rainbow vomit." Taste: see odor... :-)

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