Ázzurburán Building / Landmark in The Chronicles of Arn | World Anvil

Ázzurburán (AZ-zer-bur-AHN)

A Sindaerin stronghold somewhere beneath northern Arnor Forest. Arion Estorathe and his companions were imprisoned there in TA 1968. During their narrow escape, they killed the Sindaerin warrior-priestess in charge of the complex and destroyed the entrance. Because of the destruction Arion and company caused, the complex was abandoned, but it was reopened in TA 2803.   Ázzurburán was used as a base of operations for a rebel faction of Sindaeri who had allied themselves with the Illithid just prior to the Second War of Powers, in TA 2813. When the Illithid broke their alliance with the Sindaeri, in TA 2833, other factions of Sindaeri moved into Ázzurburán and defeated the mind flayers in a savage year-long conflict.   Later, in TA 3186, the Strangers were imprisoned there with Darian Garst during the Sindaerin assault on Dolmorian. They escaped the prison area, but fell through a hole in one of Ázzurburán’s many winding side passages and wound up in the sunken keep of Carthas.   Though an important staging area for many of their excursions, the Sindaeri have been careful to hide the location of the stronghold since Derek Evenstone sealed the entrance in TA 1968. Because of this, though the Súradar of Arnor suspect Ázzurburán still exists, they have not spent too much effort trying to find it.


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