
Smaller than their Ethiean counterparts, the Asirans make up for it with their sturdy bodies and fierce tenacity. Capable of wielding large heavy weapons with devastating accuracy and thinking on their feet, Asirans make deadly opponents and highly sought after allies, many who travel beyond their home world find work easily as mercenaries, and IGC officers.
  The manipulation of their core comes easily to the Asirans, the majority of them capable of utilizing it to some degree even as small children. Well versed in elemental core abilities and channeling their energy through objects, they've come to use it in all aspects of their day to day lives. The Asirans even developed the technology and skill to imbue inanimate objects with their core energy, creating items with special properties that can be used by anyone until the energy runs out. This allowed them to diverge from the more traditional scientific advancement that the Ethieans and Shyr took, and create a more unique core centric society.  


  Eyes - An Asiran's eyes reflects that of their core energy, meaning one with a light based core will have a brighter color than someone with a dark based core. You can also tell the subgroup that they use by the color, someone who can use fire will have red eyes while someone who can use water will have blue.
ex. Tyr has a light based core that's in the subgroup of lightning, her eyes are a bright yellow. If she had a dark based core with a subgroup of lighting she would have dark yellow eyes.
  Skin - Skin tones come in a variety of shades based on one's ethnicity and region of origin. They tend to range from rich and dark browns to olive, pale tan, and even pale fair skin boarding on white.
  Hair - The most common colors usually found among the Asirans are on a blonde to brown to black scale and a silver to blue to black. While not as common, the pale pink to red to black is by no means rare. The three main color scales can mix together to create purples, burgundies, oranges, greens, and pretty much any color under the sun. A common trait is a horizontal gradient that causes their hair to become lighter or darker in color as it reaches the tips, some are so pronounced that the tips of their hair can seem white or black in contrast.  


Social Structure

  Asirans are well known for their monarchies. Rulers of vast kingdoms, and leaders of great militaries, the kings and queens of Asira are looked up to for guidance and protection. They establish the law, and pass judgment, oversee the military, and maintain their lands, keeping them free of criminals and making sure the roads are safe for travelers. Some are born into their position, inheriting the throne from a relative, and others are elected by the people.   The larger kingdoms are divided into fiefdoms and overseen by barons, responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining the land, overseeing farm production, and recruiting, training, and leading the local garrison. To aid the baron in their duties, every fiefdom has a council which consists of the head courier, the battle master, the scout master, and the quarter master of their area.
  The citizens of the kingdoms are divided by class, those holding more prestigious jobs like the knights and couriers are held in the highest regard, along with the craftsmasters, followed by their apprentices, and the traveling traders. Next are the business owners, those wealthy and successful enough to own their own shops, and the farmers who till the land and sell their crops in the market every day. The general population who work the everyday jobs at stores and running the market stalls, and helping on farms make up the largest group, and keep the economy going. Those who wander from place to place, working odd jobs and never staying in one area for long, are often treated with suspicion. Their guarded personalities and oft quiet mannerisms leaving many with questions and a few too many rumors.  
The Alliances
  The kingdoms of Asira, save for a few, have all come together to form three major allied groups, which in turn have a treaty of peace between them. Each of the groups is lead by the strongest and largest of the kingdoms, the rest of them paying a tax and deferring to their leadership. The alliance lead by Klaos, an ancient kingdom currently under the rule of Merik, whose boarders are the most expansive, has recently managed to accrue a wealth equal to the other two alliances combined. This has caused an uneasiness between the three powers, their boarders ripe with the fear of retaliation.   Klaos - Located on the western continent in a crescent shaped valley on the eastern edge, a wide valley connects it to the ocean providing a safe and easily defensible trade route.
Farroway - Located on a peninsula on the northern coast of the eastern continent.
Westervelt - Located on the southern continent, just to the east of the mountain range.  


  The Asirans can be divided into three major ethnicities based on the type of region that they're from, each of these can then be further broken down into their own unique cultures.   Syrd (seer-d) - Darker skin tones and lightweight clothing, wraps, thin cloaks, and shoes with thick hard soles are indicators of the desert and savanna dwelling folk.
  • gold/brown/dark gray/cream colored clothing
  • accented clothing pieces
  • purveyors of archery (arrows crafted from a type of cactus with long thick needles)
Melkyn (mel-kin) - Light tan and olive skin covered by lighter clothing in the summer and heavier clothing in the winter, and used to sheltering from potentially dangerous storms.
  • favor green/blue/amber colors for clothing
  • agriculturally centered communities
Cyrofi (ki-ro-fee) - Pale white skin, heavy cloaks, fur linings, thick waterproofed boots, vented face covers, and heavy duty gloves.
  • Thick hair and beards
  • white and light gray/blue clothing
  • albinism is common among them


  Desecrating a Masas'soas - This can be anything from touching someone else's mask without permission to stealing or breaking one. To do any of these would forever mar the person's image, marking them as dirty and untrustworthy. They are often cast from their community, unable to find work or keep and maintain a home, they are forced to leave and attempt to start over in a new town.
Scientific Name
Trifarie terrestris
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5'5" - 6'2"
Average Weight
135 - 160lbs
Geographical Distribution
Important Members
The Peacekeeper - A member of the Noble Whites, closely associated with Vahnet and Tayanan
Merik - Ruler of Klaos
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