Castle Ward Settlement in Ahmarath | World Anvil

Castle Ward

This is the central part of Waterdeep, housing most of the institutions involved in running the city as well as several temples and other locations of importance. Some people who are either wealthy or of high status live here, but for the most part, the city centre isn't a residential district.   Mount Waterdeep is considered part of Castle Ward, but for the most part, the mountain is too steeply sloped to have much on the surface. That said, there's plenty underneath, both into the Undermountain and the various abandoned mines that work as entrances to it.


Castle ward possibly has the widest spread between races in all of the city. Still, those who might be discriminated against, such as half-orcs and tieflings, are fairly rare. This is the location where you are the most likely to run into any of the few dragonborn in the city.


With both Castle Waterdeep and Piergeiron's Palace (also known as Waterdeep Palace), this is where almost all of the actual governing of the city takes place and thus it's automatically more involved. In fact, some of those who live here consider themselves important to the city because of this.


Most of the buildings in Castle Ward are old. Often very old. But they are also the buildings that are beautiful enough to have been spared and well made enough to have withstood time. Streets tend to be very tight because they were established a long time ago, interspersed with larger squares and streets made to show off more grandiose times in the city's history. Walking through the streets here is a history lesson in itself - even in the quality of the streets themselves.


  • Waterdeep - Castle Ward
    This is the central district of Waterdeep.
Location under
Owning Organization


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