Meltrin's Eye Item in Aegimius | World Anvil

Meltrin's Eye

Crafted by the artisans of New Lanass, Meltrin's eye replaced the Magical eye that he had recieved after the Battle of Blackscale. The eye uses long forgotten technology that the citizens of New Lanass had before they were trapped in time at the fall of Ginshira.

The eye was a gift from David to Meltrin after Magic was cut off from Fika and he lost the use of this magical eye. The artisans were pleased to help give this gift to Meltrin with the time and interest that he had given to them as they established their town, and began working on their technology once more.

Meltrin's eye has the following properties:
  • Green Night Vision
  • Thermal Vision
  • Take pictures for later review. Needs to scan an item, in order to project it for later review.
  • GM
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    Cover image: by MandoMc Designs


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