Georgie Character in Aegimius | World Anvil


Being amoung the minorities in the city Georgie is in a constant state of be the best that one can be so that others don't look down upon Dragonborns.

After all Dragonborns are the decendents of dragons. They deserve to be respected. At least that's what my grandfather always said.

Georgie grew up in a small villiage in the Kiadu Wilderness, to the north west of Hollowbury Bellville. When he turned 18 he left the town and made his way to city. After trying several different occupations he finally found his way as a guard. After completing training he moved around to various precincts until finally finding his place in the Botanical Precinct with George and Hernando.

Which organization do you belong to?

Guard in Hollowbury. One of Bob's Closest friends.

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Year of Birth
673 30 Years old

The Hoa

Cover image: by MandoMc Deisigns via Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by MandoMc Designs via Midjourney


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