Dark Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Chronicles of Evalaw | World Anvil

Dark Magic

In order to wield dark magic, one must invite the darkness into oneself whilst not allowing the darkness to take full control. It is an extremely difficult practice to master, with many would-be dark mages falling prey to the persistent temptation to utterly surrender oneself up to the darkness and become it's pawn.
While certainly one of the more powerful arts of magic, dark magic is a corrupting and corrosive force to one's mind, body and spirit.
  Ancient and primeval in origin, Dark magic is the collective term given to the spheres of magic that draw power from the Abyssal plane. Generally considered a wicked and abhorrent form of magic, dark magic is typically associated with being the Harbinger of pestilence, famine and doom. Dark magic in itself is a corrosive and malevolent force that demands a high price and should never be trifled with lightly. Corrupting and tainting everything and everyone it touched, those that cannot resist the temptation, or are foolish enough to misuse it, quickly becoming consumed by it. Afflicting one's mind, body and soul, leaving its mark upon them permanently. Living beings are corrupted and changed by it both spiritually and physically over time. Dark magic requires one to invite the dark power in, and sacrificing one's self entirely to become a vessel for the darkness whist maintaining a strong enough will to tame the darkness to one's ends. Practitioners find its use to can become increasingly addictive and cathartic, with one's sense self and mortality steadily being eroded away by excessive use, eventually vanishing all-together. Very few have achieved complete mastery over these dark arts with losing themselves to it. In addition, dark magic is one of the few lore's that can be practiced by non-magical species in Evalaw, however the price they pay for such a gift is a cruel fate indeed.   While dark magic is indeed dubious in nature, reflecting ones darkest desires, it can also reflect the good ones. Many of its practitioners have argued that the practice is deeply misunderstood and not necessary Inherently evil. That it is the ill intent of an individual and their misuse that is evil, rather than the craft itself. However, it is the long and terrible history accosted with dark magic that has ultimately marred its reputation throughout most societies. Many of the unspeakable horrors committed during the cadence and the sundering can be attributed to the black arts.   Unlike many of the major lore's of magic practiced throughout Evalaw, the practice of dark magic is not as simple as understanding the fundamentals and mimicking the actions and words of another practitioner. Amongst the Elder races, the practice of dark magic could almost seem ritualistic in nature. For it isn't the tomes or staves that grant the caster great efficacy, but the form and substance behind the ritual itself. Utilising a series of movements, inaudible incarnations and litanies whispered unto the void. Channelling and controlling the darkness invited into one’s own soul, whilst mitigating its corruptive nature and denying it from enthralling the caster. The importance of observing and understanding the significance of these rudiments are what set apart the master practitioners from those who merely imitate them.   Dark magic is not for the weak-willed, there are no shortcuts to mastering it. It taking years if not a lifetime of dedication, pain and sacrifice to be able to master it. As its name suggests, dark magic possesses an innate tendency towards corruption, becoming corrosive to one’s very soul. To use this art requires great discipline and control, both of which come at the cost of the user's own spirit. Unfortunately most who are attracted to the allure of dark magic are for ignoble reasons. Seduced by the promise of power it can offer them. Seeing it as a shortcut to achieve their own ambitions, such individuals are doomed to lose themselves to the darkness they once sought to control. Praying upon their insatiable lust for power and ambition the darkness feeds on, slowly consuming them as they become a hollow husk of their former selves.  
The dark arts make it possible to summon the dead from their graves in a unnatural state of pure suffering, they can show you how to conjure armies of abominations through demonologies or how you may warp men's mind through mesmerism to create false illusionary realities bending them to one's will.
Varjjiah Pharaekh
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Spheres of Dark Magic.

  Typically associated with Occult, Entropic or Chthonic magic, Dark Magic can be broken down into four distinct spheres; Abyssal, Necrotic, Blood and Shadow magic.   While chaos and demonology are often lumped together with Dark Magic due to their ominous nature, they are in fact separate entities entirely. This confusion perhaps stems from the practice of Black magic; a popular school of magic that combines the key elements of dark magic with chaos, blood and demonology into a series of controlled and practical spells that minimise the debilitating tolls these lore inflict upon the user.
Metaphysical, Divine
The dangers of dark magic are numerous and can include:  
1. Corruption of the Soul:
The use of dark magic can lead to the corruption of one's soul, making them more susceptible to evil and turning them into a darker and more malevolent being.  
2. Physical and Mental Degeneration:
Dark magic can also take a physical and mental toll on the user, causing their body to deteriorate and their mind to become increasingly unstable.  
3. Addiction and Dependency:
The use of dark magic can become addictive, leading the user to rely on it more and more, which can have a negative impact on their life and relationships.  
4. Attraction of Malevolent Beings:
The use of dark magic can attract malevolent beings to the user, who may seek to manipulate or possess them for their own purposes.  
5. Breach of Natural Law:
Dark magic often involves breaking natural laws and disrupting the balance of the universe, which can lead to unintended consequences and catastrophic events.   Overall, the dangers of dark magic are significant, both for the individual who uses it and for the world around them.

Articles under Dark Magic


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Dec 28, 2022 16:42

Great work on the article about dark magic!   I would just suggest to come up with a way to utilise the empty sidebar.

Dec 30, 2022 09:55 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

Hey there, thank you for your comment. Glad you liked the article!   Yes, I've got something in the works for the side bar, just having some writers block with it sadly! Hopefully I can get it done in the next day or two before the end of World Ember.

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