Toric Language in Starkeeper | World Anvil


Toric, shortened from Toren-Americ is a language spoken by many toren cultures descended from post-uplift populations in North Merika. While it shares many similarities with Americ, linguistic drift over time and pronunciation differences from toren mouth structure render it difficult for Americ-speakers with no prior experience to understand.   The toric alphabet resembles the Latin one, with some characters removed and pieces taken off the remaining ones. Transliterated script is usually rendered with some letters missing or substituited, e.g. "z" replaces "s" and "a" replaces "er" as a suffix. This, coupled with the rag-tag lifestyle of many toren spacers, causes humans to view it as an uncouth, low-class language. In reality, it has a rich system for describing scientific and technical concepts.
Root Languages

Cover image: by Vertixico


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