Renunciationist World in Starkeeper | World Anvil

Renunciationist World

A renunciationist world or renunciationist colony is a world whose inhabitants practice a great degree of technological renunciation, some going so far as to voluntarily descend to a pre-industrial, or even pre-agricultural, society.
  Such efforts have existed since the beginning of human interstellar colonization (some colonies in the Wormhole Rush being founded with the intent of leaving behind technologies and cultural practices they found abhorrent, like genetic engineering or social media), but tended to not last long as, lacking defenses, they quickly got conquered or incorporated into mainstream polities. The Stellar Compact has largely left these worlds alone, though it did impose two major conditions: First, that renunciate societies not prevent people who desire a different way of life from leaving, and establish some means of reporting sapient rights' abuses and other grevious crimes.
  In modern times, some of these planets make a brisk income catering to history-conscious tourists and using the income to buy limited amounts of high-tech items, while others are almost completely closed off and allow neither visitors nor immigrants. Rich denizens of the mainstream Starweb, engaged in journeys of personal discovery, often find themselves spending a time "roughing it" on a renunciate world.
  Renunciationist space habitats are quite rare, as these constructs require constant, careful maintenance. When they do exist, they either have a technological backer organization to handle repairs, or run down and fail quickly.

Cover image: PIA23408 by JPL/NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center


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