Dragons Species in Skywell | World Anvil



Wait what?
    There are two types of Dragons in this world. The dragons who are native to this world are sentient reptiles while the non-native dragons are sapient and can shapeshift.  


Native dragons

The native dragon types come in different shapes, colors and sizes. The larger dragon types are more common closer to the center of the world while they get smaller and smaller the further from the core that their natural habitat is. All of the native dragons have scales, a snout, long necks, tails, and wings. They also have zero to four legs and many of the types have horns. Spiked spines are somewhat common.  

Non-native dragons

The dragons not from this world can shapeshift, those who arrived on Skywell can shapeshift into anything but most of them live like humans. While those who have been born from mixing with other sapient creatures in this world can only shapeshift between their dragon forms and the creature that their dragon parent had them with. The ability to shapeshift usually disappears after the second generation but there have been some instances where people of a third or fourth generation can still shapeshift. All none native dragons have pale eyes, even the great-grandchildren of a dragon parent do.  


Native dragons

The native dragons are oviparous, meaning that the female lays eggs. Different types of dragons lay different amounts of eggs and they also hatch at different times. However, the average is 5-10 eggs that hatch after around 3 years.  

Non-native dragons

These dragons are also oviparous if they mate in their natural dragon form. If two dragons mate in humanoid forms they will get a mixed child who will have problems while learning to shapeshift and they might not even know of their own true nature.  


Native dragons

The large native dragons living on a level 1-3 floating island usually live in natural caves or in protected habitats while the small dragons on level 4 and up islands are usually kept as pets.  

Non-native dragons

The non-native dragons usually live among the other sapient species on the islands that they have settled down. On some islands they live hidden, the other people of those islands not aware of their existance. While on other islands they live out in the open.  


All dragons have poor sight and hearing compared to other species, instead they have a great sense of smell and infrared vision. The non-native dragons can also see and somewhat sense weaving magic.  

Dietary needs

Native dragons

The native dragons are carnivores. The smaller dragons eat rodents, birds and even insects while the larger dragons might eat a Human. The humans are actually on the smaller scale of what the largest dragons eat. On islands where native dragons and humans live side by side either of the species are sometimes hunted by the other. There is also islands where these two species have learned to co-exist in different ways.  

Non-native dragons

These dragons are omnivore, but they should still consume meat to be able to do their Magic. They eat the dishes that are made in the cultures that they have decided to settle down in.


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