Curse of Haunting Condition in Skywell | World Anvil


Curse of Haunting

Are we sure he wasn't the one that cast it?
This is a rare curse that few people know how to make. The caster need to be a highly proficient Weaver to be able to succsessfully weave this curse. Any tiny mistake can cause it to misfire and might even return the curse to the caster.  

How to

Since this curse is rare, few people know how to cast it. Only those with access to secret library might even know about the curse. The how to's of this curse can only be found in a couple of ancient Grimoires.

The curse

The person cursed will have a creature following them at a slow pace. Everyone can see this creature and they will be keeping well away from it. When this creature reaches the cursed. The cursed person will die.


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