Actions and Abilities Physical / Metaphysical Law in Flagstone | World Anvil

Actions and Abilities

Overview: Actions & Abilities

If everyone could do everything, oh what a boring place the world would be. Common actions are, well, common. Virtually everything else is either determined by having the appropriate tool or training and is either a skilled action or classified as an ability. Some actions are considered so fundamental to unlocking a Chakra that they learned in the process of unlocking it. Fundamentals will be marked as such and are granted when a Chakra is unlocked for the first time.

An action can be anything from running and jumping, to opening a door, to tumbling through a room. These common actions represent the things that every adventuring aged adult from a given Heritage(s) would know. Inherrent actions are the general things your character can do, or knows how to do, because of their extensive training. All inherrent actions are performed at the rating of the characters current loadout. Knowing basic sword maintenance, for example, is an inherrent part of swordsmanship. If some default action would be prevented by some logical reason, such as the anatomy of a creature, then the character may be prevented from performing the action or granted an equivalent action appropriate for their species.



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