Insignia of the Fearsome Maw | World Anvil

Isekai has started its grand restructuring! Please bear with us as things move around and get situated in their new home.
Names are also in the process of changing, so some names are inconsistent currently.

Insignia of the Fearsome Maw

Insignia of the Fearsome Maw

The Insignia of the Fearsome Maw has seen an immense amount of debate throughout its lifetime, with the finality winning out only in the recent era in the wake of the war. Though it is the picture of equality, it favors none and is perhaps the most heated topic of debate in snide political talks. The likeness of a Dragon is the symbol chosen to represent the country in honor of the lineage of those that call it home, however, depending on the sector of the city the likeness of the Dragon is changed to reflect that sector's heritage. In the sector where Red Dragonkin live, the insignia is that of a Red Dragon and the likeness is changed for each sector. Despite this, the unified insignia put forth by the council shows a single likeness that is voted upon at the start of each century and campaigned for based on the achievements of each sector. The insignia of the current age is that of the Green Dragon, championed and won through the political achievements of the sector belonging to the Green Dragonkin who were the first to establish ties with Fire & Gold, Inc., ushering in substantial opportunities for the country as a whole.

Original Title
Insignia of the Fearsome Maw
Crest via Armoria, created by RiverFang


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