Ghostbuster Profession in Shedim | World Anvil


Who you gonna call?
  Ghostbuster is a colloquial, and sometimes derogatory, term for a mage who spends most of their time hunting monsters in the Prime. Our modern world is poorly equipped to handle rampaging ghouls and hungry goblins, and some mages feel an obligation to take matters into their own hands. It is dangerous, thankless work, but those who do it find solace and worth in every life saved.  


Ain't afraid of no ghost.
  Mages from all walks of life become "ghostbusters" - often driven by a sense of duty to protect people who can't protect themselves from threats only they can even see. In older mages, this can sometimes have the stink of arrogance about it, using terms like "our lessers" or "those mortals". As long as they rescue some poor lost soul from being devoured by unspeakable horrors, well, the complaints can wait.  
Ghostbusting, a term generally hated by those who hunt monsters and therefor used by everyone else, can be as simple as pulling the trigger and as difficult as an week long exorcism, depending on the monster in question. Even the lowest of things that lurk under the bed at night tend to resist injury by mundane means, however, despite looking like flesh and blood.   Most play by different rules by mankind, able to flit in and out of places that should be inaccessible, appearing at impossible time, and overall being a real (potentially fatal) nuisance. Ghouls, whose diet make them a regular foe of ghostbusters, can lay down in any one grave and claw themselves out any other, anywhere in the world, for example.
Slaying seem like it'd be a natural fit for a ghostbuster, but it is in reality rare. Slayers are driven by a thirst for power, while ghostbusters generally seek to protect and defend humanity, and their two ideologies are often diametrically opposed.
  Smart ghostbuster work in teams. Those who don't tend not live too long, barring some phenomenal luck or ability, when a single mistake can spell doom. Despite the advantage, different teams rarely find common ground unless the threat is truly dire. Too often, differences in approach and how much collateral damage is too much split such unions - sometimes during the worst possible time of a hunt.   Some hunters, like the D11, specialize in one particular foe. In reality, the world is complicated and no matter what a mage might plan for, something else can always show up.
by (Freepik)


Employed, at least on paper, by corporate or government entities, Spooks are often called on to do some ghostbusting now and then. As the regular weird one at the office who's no one is quite sure what they do but they always seem to be getting something done, Spooks have to deal with things that no one else can.   From magical disasters and apocalyptic-mitigation like Operation: Calamari to rooting out the local nest of ghouls, some Spooks really have to work for their paycheck.  
Profession | Jul 22, 2021

Spooks are wizards, warlocks, and witches who use their magic for a corporate or government peycheck. They are the MiB, the web of conspiracies, the poor bastards who has to go out and get that rampaging monster.

Ghosts & Goblins

Bustin' makes me feeeeeeel good!

The Prime

Our world, with all its modern trappings. The Prime is, for most people, the "real" world with cellphones and cars, with bills to pay and screaming children in the seat behind you, obligations and science. It's a wondrous place, to be sure, with art that lifts the spirit, technology that strains the limits of possible, and a sky filled with stars... But it is not the only world - some argue it isn't even the real world, but perhaps a prison or even dumping ground.   But no matter what it is, it's our home. It's where we live and die, we're born and raised, and where monsters sometimes roam...   Which is where ghostbusters come in.  
The Prime
Geographic Location | Dec 1, 2020

The Shadow

  Like a film across reality, the Shadow is a world within our world, a layer over everything where ghost and goblins hide from prying eyes and snapchat filters. In places where the Shadow is weak and worlds bleed into each other, monsters cross over and enter our world.   Some have spent generations within Prime, lurking just out of sight for reasons simple or alien. They are drawn to places of power and magic, often competing with mages for them.      
The Shadow
Geographic Location | Apr 9, 2021

Like an oily stain across reality, the Shadow co-exists with the real world and hides monsters of magic.

The Beyond

All magic comes from the Beyond - an impossible realm of magic, wonder and horror beyond mortal ken. Monsters lurk there too, sometimes making their way over into the Shadow and from there into our world. Creatures from the Beyond are powerful, terrifying entities that operate on a logic and reality unlike our own. To them, things we take for granted, like gravity or that light illuminates and fire burn, are suggestions rather than rules.   When they come knocking on Prime, there's always trouble.    
The Beyond
Geographic Location | Jul 3, 2021

The world beyond all other worlds, a place of wonder and horror in equal measure.



An act of mystical butchery, to Slay is to do more than to kill - it's to erase someone from the universe and devour their essence. To most ghostbusters, that's a bit much - even a monster deserves a measure of mercy. Killing it is plenty enough, obliteration like that from a Slaying would bring a man closer to becoming monster than many are comfortable with.   Sometimes, however, it's the only choice. Slaying allows a mage to absorb the power of the Slain, at the risk of becoming something greater and lesser than they used to be. Such power could be useful to fight a greater threat, or ending one that might not be stopped by regular old death... But such hunters always have to take care that they don't become 'the greater threat'.  
Spell | Dec 1, 2022

More than murder, Slaying is ritualistic butchery - mystical annihilation that destroys a being and usurps their essence.

Other nicknames for these sort of mages include but are not limited to: Winchesters, Scully and/or Mulder, and Monster Squaddies, and many others.


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Dec 2, 2022 10:42 by Annie Stein

I really like how you contrast ghostbusting and slaying. Also, of course, I appreciate how you take these pop culture references and build something new and Shedim-y from them. It's such a treat to read.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 2, 2022 11:07

Thank you! :D Yeah, making fun of pop-culture has kind of become a part of Shedim... But it's a part of our lives too, so it made sense to me. <3

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 3, 2022 16:19 by AP.

"...where ghost and goblins hide from prying eyes and snapchat filters." Love this! I mean, I love everything about this article, but this one made me smile as I hadn't expected it. xD Great work as always Q!

Dec 3, 2022 18:20

Aw thank you!! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 6, 2022 23:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'In reality, the world is complicated and no matter what a mage might plan for, something else can always show up.'   Dropping truth bombs in the middle of your article here, Q! :D   I love that you've taken this pop culture thing and made it brand new for your world. :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 7, 2022 06:57

It seemed fitting, considering the world we live in. :D There's no way people wouldn't meme and #hashtag monsters

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 27, 2022 14:40

Ghouls [...] can lay down in any one grave and claw themselves out any other, anywhere in the world, for example.
  That's absolutely terrifying :D

Dec 27, 2022 15:32

Thanks! >:D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 29, 2022 11:43 by TJ Trewin

Q your articles always have such glorious quotes! How do ghostbusters prove that their job is complete? Does their work pay well or does it depend on the problem?

Journals of Yesteryear

Dec 30, 2022 12:19

Thank you!!   Well, most of them aren't paid at all - a lot of 'em do it out of a sense of duty, or revenge, or other non-profit motivation (those 'Winchesters' :) ). So, it's not usually a matter of proving it.   That said, monster corpses or whatever's left behind are usually pretty valuable, and it's not impossible they'd be hired for mercenary work. In that case... Either a corpse (or part of one), or a general sort of "oh the serial killing did stopped" sort of deal   Thanks for reading <3

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.