Painting of Vraruka Item in Koria | World Anvil

Painting of Vraruka

This is one entry for the Cabinet of Curiosities (Guillermo del Toro anyone?) Challenge. It is assigned to the prompt "art", but also covers the prompt "Sentient".


The Painting of Vraruka is a huge oil painting depicting the last Mistress of Vraitha, Queen Vraruka, the mother of Vrinis. It is located and hung behind the huge mahagony thrones of the Mistress and her Consort, overlooking the seatings of the council or other gatherings the Mistress sees fit, even during the weekly hearings of the citizens. The cold gaze of the former queen in the painting is only rivaled by the gaze of the actual ruling Mistress.
Some fear the gaze of the painting more than the actual Mistress who can just nod and ones life is forfeit. This painting looks alive and follows one with the eyes. And sometimes seems grumpy or happy. But that is only an illusion. Right?


This huge painting appeared shortly after the vanishing of the old queen; first it was found in her bedroom and after decree of her daughter hung up right behind the throne. Nobody knew why because mother and daughter weren't so fond of each other. Some might say because of their choice of partners and Consorts, others say because of their choice on how to rule Vraitha, others say because of both.
There are voices who think it is distasteful to have this huge painting behind the thrones when nobody knows what has happened to the Mistress herself. They haven't found blood, her body or other traces which might explain her vanishing. So after the standard period of three years of waiting her daughter was assigned Queen of Vraitha with all of her rights and duties.
After the crowning ceremony the daughter hung up the painting right behind the thrones. Some say she talks with the painting. Maybe her grief is too much to bear so she has to talk to her mother.


Content warning: Body horror, blood, dark rituals, mental pain
In contrary to the believes that Vraruka has left her kingdom behind or was killed, the theory of the third group is closer to the truth than they think: that she is imprisoned somewhere because the daughter had enough of her prude and conservative mother.
The truth is a bit more morbid than just being imprisoned. Vrinis hired a man to paint something for her. But he was no ordinary painter. He was known in Vraitha and the surrounding kingdoms as the Shadow Painter since his paintings were all dark. His reputations preceeded him so Vrinis put a lot of coin in his hand to do her bidding.
And her bidding was bloody and gory. She had poisoned her mother Vraruka with a paralysing poison. Just one drop in her favourite wine and her body was not hers anymore. They brought Vraruka into the old stronghold into its deepest cell where the hellish work began.
The Shadow Painter drew a summoning circle in the cell, laid out his canvas and the clothings of Vraruka on top of that. The nude woman was placed on top of all that and the Shadow Painter opened her up. The moment her blood was spilled, the circle got activated and kept her alive during the procedure. Every organ like heart, lung, stomach, liver, was placed inside one of the small circles with specific runic inscriptions. Vraruka was alive during all this and was alive as the Shadow Painter started to work.
He painted her in her chambers, with the formal, not so revealing or nude attire the daughter and other Queens before her favoured. He painted her in all her frosty glory with her gaze, the upright posture, the black hair, the make-up, the powdered skin and her piercing, nearly ice-blue eyes.
The moment he finished the last stroke with his brush, the circle did the last part: the canvas, the clothes, the organs and Vraruka herself flew into the canvas the Shadow Painter had used. One last scream and Vraruka, Queen and Mistress of Vraitha, was imprisoned in an oil painting. Her daughter Vrinis had paid the price for it and could hear her mother speaking and screaming and wailing, but from afar. Only her normal voice and some whispers were clearly to understand. But only from the daughter.
What happened to the Shadow Painter? Well... lets say he is still alive and painting.


Since Vrinis hung up the painting of her mother, Vraruka is watching every move of her daughter, every decree, every party, every gathering. She comments on everything and gives advice, wanted or not. Even when Vrinis closes the entire room for one of her special gatherings. Luckily Vraruka couldn't watch her in her bedroom. That would be a bit too much.
And why this nonsense with the Shadow Painter and the ritual? Because Vrinis was annoyed and thought that Vraitha had a better future when a more progressive queen was the ruling Mistress. Not only in partners, but in trade, commerce, military and standing inside the alliance of the seven kingdoms. But she couldn't kill her mother and needed a way to get rid of her. A normal prison was too easy, even one in the mountains. But a painting... nobody would assume that a painting was alive.
And Vraruka was very much alive. She was forced to watch everything which happened in the throne room. To listen. But she couldn't move, she couldn't speak, she couldn't even breathe in the hellfire which was her painting. She would scream for hours when the dangling organs were too much to bear - the transportation hadn't healed her - and she would cry and sometimes curse her daughter and the wretched painter.
And she would do so for all times to come until her painting is destroyed to the last bit of canvas.
Vraruka by CrazyEddie via Midjourney

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Feb 11, 2024 23:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well that's horrifying. Do you think that Vrinis is ever tempted to burn the painting so the voice stops?

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Feb 12, 2024 11:07

Definitely. Right now she has more fun to taunt her mother, but thats it.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Feb 13, 2024 10:28

Shattenreich und Dorian Grey Vibes, nice!
Interessant ist nun die Frage - können spätere Blutsverwandte die Stimme der einstigen Königin dann auch vernehmen, so das eventuell Vrinis Tochter (so sie eine Bekommt) zu etwas ähnlichem inspiriert wird... "Familiengalerie der Lebenden Bilder"

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  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Feb 13, 2024 12:59

    Wenn Vrinis sich dazu entscheidet, ihre Tochter mit dem Bildnis zu "verlinken" über das Blut, dann würde sie auch ihre Großmutter hören, ja. Ob sie ihr das antun würde, ist eine andere Frage.

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Feb 14, 2024 15:17

    Ok also keine Familien-Erbfluch welcher sich aufgrund der Tat einfach solange weitervererbt bis das Bildniss irgendwann restlos zerstört und Vraruka erlösst wird.
    Was für die einstige Königin bedeutet das sie sobald Vrinis mal nicht mehr ist, selber zwar alles mitbekommt aber dabei in absoluter Vergessenheit versinkt... und vermutlich irgend wann unter einem Laken zwecks Staubschutz nur noch in dunkler Agonie versauert... uff... Vrinis mochte ihre Mutter wirklich nicht....

    Have a look at my entries for:
  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Feb 14, 2024 20:15

    Tat sie wirklich nicht. :D

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events